Quick & Effective Weight-Loss Exercises
- Cardiovascular exercises raise your heart rate to burn excess calories. If you incorporate at least five days of cardio into your weekly routine, you will increase the amount of fat you burn and strengthen your respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Cardio exercises can be performed at home or in the gym. Before you begin a cardio routine, however, be sure to consult your physician, especially if you have a history of heart or other physical conditions.
Perform at least 20 minutes of a cardiovascular exercise that raises your heart rate. Sprinting, jogging and jumping rope are excellent cardio workouts that call upon stored fat cells for energy, thus reducing the amount of fat your body stores. If you belong to a gym, take advantage of group aerobics classes to ward off boredom from traditional cardio workouts like running on a treadmill. Spinning classes use distinct exercise bikes that vary resistance to burn excess fat. A bonus is they pipe in high-intensity music to keep you motivated. - Weight training is an essential aspect to any weight-loss plan and should complement cardio exercise. It breaks down muscle fibers and causes them to rebuild themselves. That results in stronger and denser muscle fibers, which increases how many calories you burn throughout the day, or your basal metabolism rate. Weight training should be performed three days per week for maximum fat loss.
Alternate major muscle groups on each weight training day. For example, on Day 1, work out your upper body muscle groups, which include the chest, shoulders, biceps, triceps and back muscles. On the next weight training day, exercise your lower-body muscle groups, which include your quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and calves. On your third day of weight training, exercise specific areas of your body that you want to develop, such as your chest or back muscles, or your abdominal region.