Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

UTI Symptoms - How to Tell If You Have an Infection

A urinary tract infection is one of the most common infections in women.
You can get them as early as a child and have them all the way until you are older.
They can be possible in men but they are far more common in women.
Women have a shorter urethra, which makes it easier for an infection to develop.
Also, women have an easier chance of getting an infection since their private areas are inside of the body and that makes for a great home for bacteria.
Most urinary tract infections are caused by wiping in the wrong direction, which makes it possible for bacteria to make its way inside the body.
Also, going into infected hot tubs and pools are also a common way for a woman to get a UTI.
Although these infections are common, sometimes it is hard for a woman to tell if she has one.
If you think that you might have a UTI, then learn more about the symptoms.
The first symptom that will signal your brain that something is wrong is the fact that you constantly have to urinate.
Your bladder is telling your body that it needs to constantly relieve itself because something in there is not quite right.
Even the second after you use the washroom, you must go again.
The next telltale sign that you have a UTI is that you have an intense burning sensation as you urinate.
Typically, the burning is the worst near the end of urination.
The final symptom is cloudy, or foul smelling urine.
Your urine has a different appearance because it is pus that is coming out of you.

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