Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Digital Photography Introduction

With the acceptable image quality and the other advantages of digital photography the majority of professional news photographers have begun capturing their images with digital cameras.
Digital photography has also been adopted by many amateur snapshot photographers, who take advantage of the convenience of the form when sending images by email, placing them on the World Wide Web, or displaying them in digital picture frames.
Also, one big advantage of digital photography is the instant review of pictures, with no wait for the film to be developed: if there's a problem with a picture, the photographer can immediately correct the problem and take another picture (up to hundreds of photographs on the same media device).
Digital cameras have also been integrated into many cell phones.
The photographer is able to color-balance and manipulate the image in ways that traditional darkroom science cannot offer, although film users can utilize the same technology with a film scanner.
But digital cameras also tend to be much more sensitive to moisture and extreme cold.
For this reason, photographers who work in remote areas, such as those who work for National Geographic overwhelmingly favor film SLR cameras.
Many digital cameras can deliver only JPEG files.
Another format that may be encountered is RAW, which contain unprocessed image data straight from the camera's image sensor.
Compact digital cameras usually include zoom lens and flashes that cannot be changed, but digital single-lens reflex camera (digital SLR or DSLR), operates on the same optical and mechanical principles as a film single-lens reflex camera, and offers the possibility to change lenses.
Recent manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon have promoted the adoption of digital Single-lens reflex cameras (dSLRs) by photojournalists.
Lenses in digital photography can be Telephoto lenses, Wide-angle lenss or Normal lenss, used for landscapes, portraits and close-ups (macros).
Digital anti-shake tools (also called Image Stabilisation) allow taking sharp hand-held pictures where previously a tripod was required.
Digital SRLs work also with RAW images containing unprocessed image data straight from the camera's image sensor.
Since the data isn't processed on the camera the photographer will do so on the computer in order to get it into more usable formats like TIFF or JPEG.
This method offers flexibility of the results regarding exposure, lighting, white balance, contrast, colours and saturation as well as greater creative control of the image.
From Canon, good compact cameras the Powershot A series, such as A520, A620, A700 and others, main difference between them being their megapixel image resolution and optical zoom.
Canon PowerShot S3 IS is a type of camera that moves a step forward from compact to dSLR.
As for the SLR's and dSRLs, Canon comes with the Rebels: Digital Rebel XT, Canon EOS 200D, and Canon EOS 30D.
Nikon is considered to be as good as Canon but sometimes cheaper:Nikon D40, Nikon D200, and Nikon D70.
Other notable cameras areOlympus E-330,Fuji FinePix S9100, FujiFilm Finepix E900, Sony Cybershot DSC-W100, HP Photosmart R967 and many many others.
Choosing a digital camera can be very difficult and the techniques are in constant progress so that these cameras get better and better, more and more powerful but still smaller, therefore some of them received the name "pocket camera".

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