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Newest Fad In Bikinis

So, what\'s the newest fad in bikinis? Well, our fashion radar isn\'t really sensing a “specific” style that can give you the spotlight in the beach next summer (and monokinis are so last century). That\'s why the only advice that we can give to a confused bikini babe like you is just drop the conventional cotton bikini pieces and go with those that are bizarre (well, for most people). Since “bizarre” is the new in-thing in fashion (the emo clothing style was considered odd, before it was formally introduced to the fashion world), there\'s nothing really wrong about going unconventional with your swimwear. But don\'t get us wrong; we\'re not saying that you should start advertising PETA next summer by wearing a lettuce bikini or start a free Ipod charging station at the beach with your Japanese-original photo voltaic laced bikini. These ones are the extreme-extremes. Go with those that are extreme but are still normal enough to not get you feeling itchy after a few minutes of bathing in the sun (for Pete\'s sake, you\'re wearing a salad) and not get you electrocuted after some swimming.

Now, just how bizarre? We know you\'ll ask this question and luckily for you, we have just the perfect example to make you understand what we mean with this forecast. This bikini collection belongs to a Hollywood actress who you probably adored before for her extreme adeptness in holding the Japanese samurai sword. Yes, we\'re referring to, no other than, Uma Thurman. Now, Ms. Thurman isn\'t really an advocate of PETA nor is she too geeky to wear USB bikini. Our Kill Bill star wears bikinis made out of normal fabric but are designed to be really attention-grabbing. Heck, the paparazzi always dig her at the beach. Let\'s get this straight: Uma Thurman has strange taste in swimwear. Definitely. Whether it\'s a super low-cut one piece (as in, ultra low-cut), or a flowery bikini that has her breasts nearly falling out, she definitely knows how to make a statement. Need more ideas from Ms. Thurman? Just recently, she wore a plain white bikini that (thank God) tucks her breasts properly, but what\'s really interesting with it is the granny-style bottoms. A quasi-one-piece? A show-off? We don\'t know either. But what we do know is that Ms. Thurman gets away with the bad remarks because she remains as hot as hell and no matter how weird her bikinis are, she\'s still one of the most beach-attractive Hollywood stars. We know you\'re hot too, so go ahead and try the Uma Thurman way of showing off in the beach.

For a more specific example, here\'s a bikini type that can really grab the attention of EVERYONE in the beach (as in, not only the men). We\'re telling you, this one\'s really daring – even more daring than the usual Micro-bikini. Why not “bare it all” with the almost no-coverage See-Thru bikini? Once you wear this, you\'ll definitely be the hottest and bravest babe on the beach! There is also a more extreme variation of the See-Thru bikini which is the Micro-Mini ONE-STRING-ONLY-BOTTOM See-Thru bikini. Now, there\'s no need to describe what this bikini looks like as the name already gives you a clear image.

As for our REAL advice: as we\'ve said, go with something unconventional but is still “acceptable at the beach”. And also don\'t forget to make them really mini. Micro bikinis will never go out of fashion, and we\'re sure you\'re going to grab the attention of all the men in the beach once you wear one. So, next summer, make sure you wear a, considerably, bizarre micro bikini (and you can make that also See-Thru if you\'re daring and sexy enough).

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