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Six Reasons the Top Stylists Earn the Most Money

The question that I ask is this: Can any hairdresser make better than average incomes?
Is it only the superstar hairstylists that earn the big bucks?

Listen to this scenario.

I had occasion to get my hair cut and dropped in a salon that I had never been to before, and I met a young hair stylist that directed me to her chair and we began to talk and exchange some opening remarks. Everything was fine initially and then she asked me what I wanted in a cut and that's where I began to see that she was a little green in providing good customer service.

Through-out the process of her trimming my hair I asked some simple questions, like:

1. How do people find out about you right now?
2. What's the most productive way you have for gaining new customers?
3. What's the amount of your average sale?
4. What are the three biggest problems you're having in your business?
5. How long have you worked in this shop?
6. How'd you begin?
7. What are your ambitions for your business?
8. What are you focusing on for yourself?

These questions tell me a lot about the person that I'm interviewing.

And this is the critical part of the whole process of understanding what makes the difference between an average hair stylist and one that wants to really achieve and build a real business.

This young stylist was following the lead of all the other stylists were doing in this salon ... walking in and putting in their time and whatever loot they made that day ... that was their pay. The mindset that she had (dictated by how she handled me) was get as many women in and out of your chair as fast as you can.

(This will lead to some real frustration: doing the same things and wanting different results)

"Do you want me to book another appointment for you?" She asked, as I was giving her way too much for what she did, "No" I said and that was that.

Nevertheless, let me say that I'm not opposed to paying a little more money if the service is really good. And that is something that you should make note of and etch into your mind forever.

People detect value based on what others are giving them, so when you give more than they've ever received before ... guess what ... you have successfully impressed them.

Good customer service will take your customers exactly where you lead them; and now you are starting to build a loyal clientèle that only wants to do business with you.

Think about it with all the times that you go and buy something for yourself, don't you want outstanding service? And when someone gives it to you, you think WOW, that's great and you remember it and the individual that helped you get what you were after.

So the lessons for hair stylists are:

1. don't be like all the other hair stylists
2. the customer actually believes that they are paying to be well cared for
3. go over the top, it's not as hard as everyone thinks because nobody else is doing it
4. study successful customer service strategies and integrate them into your business
5. don't rely on the salon to bring you your prospects, be proactive ... you are resonsible for what you accomplish
6. be extraordinary in all that you do

These unpretentious practices will guarantee you success.

How's that for a statement?

Let me say this ... it's not always fun, and you don't always feel like going the extra mile, and every day is not an "A" day. But if you will keep control of yourself in these areas you can expect to grow your business to an unbelievable position.

Knowing that most hairstylists earn between $30 and $50K a year should be stimulation for you to want to earn $80 to $100K a year.

Can it be achieved?

You bet!

But it's not going to just happen; you will have to 'just do it' everyday.

You might not believe this, but most hair stylists under-serve their customers. And if you'd
like to know how to increase the loyalty of your clients especially in these challenging
times get a report on how most hair stylists under-serve their customers.
Just click on the link (hair stylists)

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