Veterinary Medicine : Pets & Animal

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Dog Allergies With Itching & Licking of the Feet

Dog Allergies With Itching & Licking of the Feet

Dogs who suffer from allergies often display symptoms that the owner may not necessarily associate with an allergic reaction. Itching or licking the feet are both common symptoms of allergies in a dog.
Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhound

Irish Wolfhound - Westminster Show 2010 © Janet Tobiassen Crosby DVM
How to Find a Recipe for Dog Food for Dogs With Kidney Failure

How to Find a Recipe for Dog Food for Dogs With Kidney Failure

There is no cure for kidney failure (also called renal failure) in dogs. Damaged and diseased kidneys cannot regenerate. The symptoms of kidney failure can be managed; the goal is keeping your dog comfortable and active for as long as possible. A large part of managing kidney failure is feeding a pr
Help - My Dog Keeps Snorting!

Help - My Dog Keeps Snorting!

Drew0311 asks: "My dog keeps doing this snorting thing. Like his throat is clogged up. Anyone else have a dog doing this right now? Thanks in advance."
What Happens If Your Pet Ingests Nicotine?

What Happens If Your Pet Ingests Nicotine?

Pets may also find discarded cigarette or cigar butts, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, e-cigarettes, and chewing tobacco and give them a taste test. All of these products contain nicotine, which can cause illness and even death in fairly small amounts.
Managing Firework and Thunderstorm Fears in Dogs and Cats

Managing Firework and Thunderstorm Fears in Dogs and Cats

Fireworks and thunderstorms can cause a great deal of stress for some animals. Learn how to avoid stress for your pets, and tips to keep them safe.
A Liver Infection in a Dog

A Liver Infection in a Dog

Dogs may develop infectious hepatitis which is a liver condition. Infectious hepatitis is characterized by inflammation of the liver. Your dog may be quite ill by the time he has any noticeable symptoms of liver disease. If your dog has any symptoms of hepatitis, consult your veterinarian for proper
Vestibular in Dogs

Vestibular in Dogs

A dog's vestibular system keeps her head and body in correct orientation. If her vestibular system isn't functioning property she will be off balance and exhibit other symptoms that many pet guardians mistake as signs of a stroke.
Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke in Dogs

Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke in Dogs

For a dog, a stroke can be just as serious as it is for a human, and in some cases even more so because your pet will not be able to indicate what is wrong. If you have an older canine or own a breed that is susceptible to strokes, then it is vitally important to their health that you be able to ide
Brain Diseases in Dogs

Brain Diseases in Dogs

All types of brain diseases are difficult for both the dog and owner.Dogs face image by adrian stones from Fotolia.comBrain diseases are devastating medical conditions, such as Alzheimer's, that affect both dogs and humans. As your dog grows old, he is more likely to experience cognitive...
Pet Safety Alert: Garage Door Opener Hazard

Pet Safety Alert: Garage Door Opener Hazard

This is a story submitted by Brenda, a viewer of this site. Nothing is predictable with pets. Sometimes taking a minute to be "extra careful" may help prevent a tragedy. I thank Brenda for sharing her story to help alert others about this risk.
What Are the Symptoms for a Dog Head Concussion?

What Are the Symptoms for a Dog Head Concussion?

Concussions can have serious consequences for your beloved image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.comJust like humans, dogs can suffer a head concussion, often caused by a blunt or penetrating injuring to his head. Some of the more common causes for concussions in dogs are car...
Dog Infection Symptoms

Dog Infection Symptoms

Watch your dog for signs of infection.Dogs at local park; pug image by Tawana Frink from Fotolia.comDogs have hardy immune systems and are able to fight off most germs. Sometimes bacteria and viruses become too much to ward off, and they cause infection. Many times dogs don't display...
Canine Eye Infection

Canine Eye Infection

Part of being a responsible pet owner is maintaining your animal's health and well-being. You should always address any health issues that may occur. Just like humans, dogs can develop many different problems that need to be treated with veterinary care or medications. One common problem area for do
How to Remove Dog Teeth

How to Remove Dog Teeth

Removing a dog's teeth should only be done by a veterinarian under general anesthesia. Some reasons why a dog would need teeth removed include severe crowding, infection, pulp exposure, broken teeth, and oral cancer. Dental health is a very important to overall health in dogs because d
What is Head Voice?

What is Head Voice?

What is head voice? Is it really a vocal register? Find your answers to these questions and more.
Cat Ear Infection & Congestion

Cat Ear Infection & Congestion

If a cat that usually enjoys having its ears scratched flinches away when you try to rub its ears, it could have an ear infection. An ear infection can cause pain and congestion of the ears, according to "What Your Cat Is Trying to Tell You," by John Simon and Stephanie Pedersen.
Elevated Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Dogs

Elevated Parathyroid Hormone Levels in Dogs

Canine parathyroid glands are located on the thyroid gland; however, they have no anatomical or physiological connection the the thyroid gland itself. The main purpose of the parathyroid gland is to produce parathyroid hormones that are necessary for the metabolism of calcium in the body.
How to Prevent Hip Dysplasia in Dogs & Puppies

How to Prevent Hip Dysplasia in Dogs & Puppies

Hip dysplasia is a degenerative disease that affects almost any breed of dog, large or small. A dog with hip dysplasia will have hip joints that do not grow correctly. This can lead to a deterioration of the hip bones and even arthritis. Many dogs who suffer from this condition are forced to move wi
Causes of Elevated Alkaline Phosphatase in Dogs

Causes of Elevated Alkaline Phosphatase in Dogs

A lethargic dog might be an ill dog.closeup of dog sleeping image by itay uri from Fotolia.comAlkaline phosphatase, also known as serum alkaline phosphatase, is classified as an enzyme, according to Doctors Foster and Smith Pet Education. This protein molecule aids in various chemical...