Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Steps to Beating the Damage Caused By Diabetes

Steps to Beating the Damage Caused by Diabetes
Often, when I speak to people about their diabetes, they tell me how their doctor spoke of all of the horrors that diabetes would bring as it progressed. Beating diabetes was not an option; especially beating diabetes without meds. My doctor didn't outline the negatives; possibly because he felt the diagnosis was enough bad news for one day. Either way, the down side of diabetes is well known. We all live in a form of cloud; a denial that it could ever happen to us. Blindness?... heart disease?...stoke?.. amputations?...that only happens to other people.
Ten years ago, five years after being diagnosed, I was informed during a routine annual eye exam, that I had the beginnings of a cataract. I should expect to have surgery within six months, because it was an aggressive type of cataract. Certainly, he must have been mistaken! I was only in my mid fifties! I am not supposed to get those bad things that other diabetics get. I was in a complete state of shock. I was doing everything I thought I should be doing. I had to beat this somehow! I read everything I could find on the subject. That's when I read one of Dr. Atkins' books (Dr Atkins of the Low Carb Diet fame). He spoke often about how he reversed numerous conditions in his clinic, including diabetes, asthma, arthritis...even cancer. I took his lead, and began research where I learned that Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lutein, and vitamin A could prevent cataracts. I immediately started taking all of them along with other supporting supplements.
Three months later, I went to my optometrist again for a follow up. He spent a long period of time examining my eyes; especially the one that had the cataract.. He kept adjusting the light and trying other devices. He left the exam room, and returned a few minutes later. He looked perplexed. Then he conceded that the cataract had not grown in size over the three months. I told him what I learned, and what I was taking. He firmly denounced my findings. "Supplements are witchcraft" he proclaimed. He said that he would keep me on a 3 month schedule to monitor changes until surgery became necessary.
It has now been ten years since I was diagnosed, and my cataract still has not progressed. Seven years ago, my doctor put me back on annual checkups. However, one thing has changed. He now SELLS supplements in his office!
A couple of years ago, I gave myself a V8 Juice smack on the forehead. Why had I not done the same thing for my diabetes? So I began an in depth research project, along with experiments on myself (low-risk) and have learned amazing things. After all, what did I have to lose besides my life and limbs? Once again, when I asked my internist about it, I met the same "witchcraft" response that I received from my ophthalmologist. So I quietly, carefully, applied what I learned and confirmed my results every three months when I had blood tests and my quarterly exams. Over time, I watched my A1c slowly drop, my blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides normalize. Each time my doctor would congratulate me on my amazing improvement. My eye exams have actually shown improvement in overall vision.
What I have not told my doctor, is that I have reduced my medications from 6 oral medications plus insulin injections, down to one oral medication, and the injections. I have kept the injections for purposes of control. I have substantially improved my overall health without meds. And, I am not done! Can I beat this? I am beating diabetes! The worse case scenario is that I will live a much richer life, with a substantial reduction in risk for all the bad things that I would otherwise certainly endure. I am now convinced that I will never suffer most of the bad things, not just wish that to be so.
The surprising part of it all is...beating diabetes is a bit complicated, but is so simple! Hundreds of hours of research has provided several primary lessons: one - that western medicine teaches doctors to treat everything with pharmaceuticals. If they can't, they don't know what to do; second - we diabetics are, by nature, seriously deficient in five primary (essential) vitamins and minerals; and third - our immune system has been screwed up by years of dietary and medical abuse. I have learned how to fix it and where to get what is needed. Your body will heal itself if you give it the right tools.
Do what I did, ask your doctor what vitamins and minerals we (diabetics) are deficient in. Some diabetics have reported that their doctor knew one or two, but not all. Then, ask if he has, in all of his copies of years of testing, any blood panels for you showing your levels of important vitamins and minerals. But, be careful, you are going to make him very uncomfortable, because he cannot answer your questions. Mine responded "we are not trained in that, so we don't practice it." "Those kind of tests would probably be expensive, and I am not sure that labs are set up to do it." The fact is, laboratories are set up for it, can do it, and it is not expensive. AND, most insurance covers it! Don't be too hard on him, its not his fault.
If you would like to learn more, go to []. There is so much to learn. Start your own diabetes reversal program. Learn about other important topics central to diabetes - inflammation (how to measure it and control it), vitamin and mineral basics, essential fatty acids, beneficial bacteria, cholesterol (where it is produced and how to control it), glycemic index and load, phytochemicals and phytonutrients and starches. OH, by-the-way, you will lose weight as a bonus. Hopefully, together we can all succeed in beating diabetes.

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