Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Low Platelet Count - Can ITP Be Caused by Toxins?

Concerned about your low platelet count? If you have Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura, otherwise known as ITP, and or any other type of immune system disorder and have been at your wits end about how to improve your low platelet count, you just might want to consider what is in your environment.
I don't mean just your yard, the forest, or the streams.
I mean your personal environment.
If you have been actively seeking ways to become healthier and build up your low platelet count and have been real good about changing your diet and you've found that you just can't increase platelets by your food , perhaps there is more than meets the eye.
Consider these facts: Since the beginning of 1950, hundreds of thousands of new chemical compounds have been released into the marketplace and spread throughout our environment.
From what we eat, clean our homes with, to what we clean our bodies with, to what we sit on and sleep on, drive in, breathe in, to our streams and waterways...
there is no escaping these chemicals.
But surely if they are on the market they must be safe? Yeah...
right! Only a very small amount of these have actually been tested to see if they are toxic to humans.
Then take in to account that there is virtually no cross testing of the effects of combinations of these chemicals.
Our children are extremely at risk even more so than ourselves.
Then take notice just how much the incidences of cancer, multiple sclerosis, ITP, lupus, asthma, ADHD, autism and a whole range of other autoimmune system disorders have exploded over the last 50 years and are increasing yearly.
Is there a connection to our immune system's health? I believe so! After all my research on toxic chemicals, and experience with my daughter's battle to overcome ITP, I am convinced that exposure to common, everyday chemicals were one of the contributing factors to her ITP and low platelet count.
Removing as many toxic chemicals as I possibly could from her life was definitely a good step in the right direction for her ITP treatment.
Only as recently as January 24th of 2009, the new administration has just acknowledged what a congressional audit has found.
The Government Accountability Office recently released a report stating that the EPA lacks even the most basic information to decide and say whether or not a specific chemical or combination poses a health risk to the general public (and we have been happily exposing ourselves and our loved ones to these harsh toxins, and now after 50 years they are only just acknowledging that these chemicals might be dangerous?).
They also acknowledged that important actions are needed to streamline and enhance transparency of the EPA's chemical registry.
The report also called for measures that would enhance the EPA's ability to obtain better health and safety information from the chemical companies.
It's a little late for all those people that have been affected by slow chemical poisoning.
Even if some controls are put into place, because of the large lobbying groups on behalf of the chemical companies and the massive amounts of chemicals that have already been grandfathered in, all the laws in the world will only be putting a band-aid on the problem.
It's time to take personal responsibility for your ITP and why you have low platelet levels and make a commitment to improve your health naturally.
Start by eliminating chemical toxins.

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