Travel & Places Air Travel

Are You Making the Most of Your Frequent Flyer Rewards?

What is the goal of every business, including the airline industry?  It's to get new customers, and equally important, to retain the old ones.
  One of the main gimmicks used to hold existing clients is to reward customer loyalty through some type of incentive or rewards program.
  Since the early 80s, airlines have used frequent flyer rewards to keep their faithful coming back time and time again.
  Are you making the most of your frequent flyer rewards? There are various rewards offered, flyer miles to shopping and dining discounts, and even cash back.
  Making good decisions now will prevent wasted rewards (and ultimately wasted money) later.
  With flyer miles, you typically earn one point for every mile you fly.
  Once you earn so many points, you can redeem the points for a free ticket (or a ticket at reduced price).
  Another reward for frequent flyer credit card holders is cash back.
  You earn points for flying, staying in certain hotels, and even dining in partnering restaurants.
  Once you earn enough points, you get cash put back on your card.
  Just be sure it's not costing you more than it's saving you.
  Pay off balances in full whenever possible and read the fine print before signing up.
Some tips on rewards programs: o    Read the fine print.
  Nothing's worse than thinking you're getting something to find out it's just not true.
o    Don't let those rewards go to waste.
  A lot of people earn up a bunch of points, and then let them expire.
  Don't let this happen to you.
  Even if you have to spend them at the last minute, make sure you get your money's (or air time's) worth! o    Watch for special promotions.
  Sometimes a company will offer a special promotion, so keep an eye out for them.
  Some of them are really worthwhile.
o    Stay loyal.
  It's okay to shop around and try different plans.
  But remember--they're all based on customer loyalty, so once you decide a plan, you'll need to stick to it for it to pay off.
   It's better to have a bunch of rewards points with one company than a few points with lots of agencies.

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