Four Holy Poems for Christmas
1) God's Old Potato Picker There's a potato patch in my backyard- I'm but ten-years old.
The memory seems ageless My hair is red, like a fire engine My skin, white as the white wings of a dove! Swarms of mosquitoes are coming out of the empty-lot Next to our house-, Into my potato patch! I have spent the whole summer long watching my potato patch grow (1957) The white eyes of the potato are liken to a garden snake-long and thin.
I'm in love with my potato garden- Although the potatoes, they seem helplessly growing so small- I ask myself, why? Matter-of-factly, it will take years for me to learn the why, a lifetime.
It was hard, that I had to give the potato patch up, for something else.
Now I am an old man, too forgetful and to clumsy to to grow a potato garden; Nor do I wish to anymore- So, The story of the potato garden is out.
But I tried, spent long hours dreaming of that potato patch, Even protested to God that the potatoes were no bigger than quail eggs...
My energy after a short while is as if someone pulled out the plug, nowadays.
Ever since that potato patch, I have been full of consideration for the farmer: I marvel at his devotion, stamina, the marriage to the land; enthusiasm matters.
Incidentally, God's response to my protest was: "You're not a farmer, Dennis, you are a poet!" #3495 (12-17-2012) 2) Christ, the Child Christ the child who is he? Emmanuel of the Gospels-God among us! He is true man, and God, God's true son.
He is the prophecy given to Isaiah, a sign to stir the faith of Israel- One that needs to be sought out, And identified in future times...
He is the symbolic figure of Zion.
He is the mystery to non-Christians.
He is the one who came from a virgin birth.
#3496 (12-17-2012) 3) The God of Love Love comes in many forms Human and divine- Eros, friendship and charity...
Why so many kinds? Because man was made for love! by a loving God...
That is the difference between Christianity and Islam...
That is why God became one of us Out of love-that is why he opened The floodgates, the Jews refused to.
#3497 (12-17-2012) 4) What Does God Look Like? Myth, political revolutionary, a prophet misunderstood- So, thinks the non-Christian of Jesus of Galilee.
Why? Because we cannot prove Jesus is the Son of God, which really doesn't disprove it, but who else could turn water into wine, raises the dead, walk on water? This is not lunacy or deception, nor can it be dismissed- this alone, creates passionate searching of the mind.
He is who he says he is, or he is not, and if he is not, then who is He? His true identity...
The simplest way to frame this picture is to proclaim what the witnesses of his day, proclaimed by saying: He is the unveiled God of Abraham and Moses, who came face-to-face with humanity-as a result, now we know what God looks like.
#3498 (12-17-2012)
The memory seems ageless My hair is red, like a fire engine My skin, white as the white wings of a dove! Swarms of mosquitoes are coming out of the empty-lot Next to our house-, Into my potato patch! I have spent the whole summer long watching my potato patch grow (1957) The white eyes of the potato are liken to a garden snake-long and thin.
I'm in love with my potato garden- Although the potatoes, they seem helplessly growing so small- I ask myself, why? Matter-of-factly, it will take years for me to learn the why, a lifetime.
It was hard, that I had to give the potato patch up, for something else.
Now I am an old man, too forgetful and to clumsy to to grow a potato garden; Nor do I wish to anymore- So, The story of the potato garden is out.
But I tried, spent long hours dreaming of that potato patch, Even protested to God that the potatoes were no bigger than quail eggs...
My energy after a short while is as if someone pulled out the plug, nowadays.
Ever since that potato patch, I have been full of consideration for the farmer: I marvel at his devotion, stamina, the marriage to the land; enthusiasm matters.
Incidentally, God's response to my protest was: "You're not a farmer, Dennis, you are a poet!" #3495 (12-17-2012) 2) Christ, the Child Christ the child who is he? Emmanuel of the Gospels-God among us! He is true man, and God, God's true son.
He is the prophecy given to Isaiah, a sign to stir the faith of Israel- One that needs to be sought out, And identified in future times...
He is the symbolic figure of Zion.
He is the mystery to non-Christians.
He is the one who came from a virgin birth.
#3496 (12-17-2012) 3) The God of Love Love comes in many forms Human and divine- Eros, friendship and charity...
Why so many kinds? Because man was made for love! by a loving God...
That is the difference between Christianity and Islam...
That is why God became one of us Out of love-that is why he opened The floodgates, the Jews refused to.
#3497 (12-17-2012) 4) What Does God Look Like? Myth, political revolutionary, a prophet misunderstood- So, thinks the non-Christian of Jesus of Galilee.
Why? Because we cannot prove Jesus is the Son of God, which really doesn't disprove it, but who else could turn water into wine, raises the dead, walk on water? This is not lunacy or deception, nor can it be dismissed- this alone, creates passionate searching of the mind.
He is who he says he is, or he is not, and if he is not, then who is He? His true identity...
The simplest way to frame this picture is to proclaim what the witnesses of his day, proclaimed by saying: He is the unveiled God of Abraham and Moses, who came face-to-face with humanity-as a result, now we know what God looks like.
#3498 (12-17-2012)