How to Prevent Asthma - Find Out How
It is always said that prevention is better than cure.
Though asthma cannot be avoided as in some cases it is genetic, try preventing it by taking some precautions.
If you are travelling then see to it that your first aid kit has all the asthma medications and puff for emergencies.
If you are travelling by road then try and travel early in the morning when pollution levels are low.
The dust and dirt on the road can cause allergy and sneezing.
Irritating fumes from smoking cigarettes can also trigger an asthma attack.
Keep away from such places.
To prevent asthma avoid chilly winters by covering your self well.
Though all of us enjoy spring and summer, with it arrives more pollution and dust.
Keep your home dust and dirt free.
Remove dust mites and/or mold spores in the car and at home.
It keep's the room or car pollution free.
While travelling keep the car windows up and closed.
Asthma can get worse in children.
If your child is prone to asthmatic attacks then tell him/her to carry medication along with them always to prevent asthma.
You never know when it can be triggered.
Get regular check ups done and take medication as the doctor directs.
Wash beddings in hot water, as well as stuffed animals, pillows, and curtains and keep your house neat and clean.
If you have a pet, give it a bath often.
Cleanliness in surroundings can help prevent asthma.
There is no way to cure asthma.
However, you can take steps to control the disease by preventing asthmatic symptoms.
Though asthma cannot be avoided as in some cases it is genetic, try preventing it by taking some precautions.
If you are travelling then see to it that your first aid kit has all the asthma medications and puff for emergencies.
If you are travelling by road then try and travel early in the morning when pollution levels are low.
The dust and dirt on the road can cause allergy and sneezing.
Irritating fumes from smoking cigarettes can also trigger an asthma attack.
Keep away from such places.
To prevent asthma avoid chilly winters by covering your self well.
Though all of us enjoy spring and summer, with it arrives more pollution and dust.
Keep your home dust and dirt free.
Remove dust mites and/or mold spores in the car and at home.
It keep's the room or car pollution free.
While travelling keep the car windows up and closed.
Asthma can get worse in children.
If your child is prone to asthmatic attacks then tell him/her to carry medication along with them always to prevent asthma.
You never know when it can be triggered.
Get regular check ups done and take medication as the doctor directs.
Wash beddings in hot water, as well as stuffed animals, pillows, and curtains and keep your house neat and clean.
If you have a pet, give it a bath often.
Cleanliness in surroundings can help prevent asthma.
There is no way to cure asthma.
However, you can take steps to control the disease by preventing asthmatic symptoms.