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3D Stereoscopic Photography - Using 4 Simple Steps

Introduction: 3D Stereoscopic photography Stereoscopic photography or what most people call 3D photography is simply capturing and displaying 2 slightly offset photos in order to create 3 dimensional images.
The resulting 3D effect is as a result of a unique principle called stereopsis hence the name stereoscopic photography.
3D photos force each eye to be in a different location thus seeing slightly different images.
The difference between the images is what makes us perceive depth.
In case you are interested in learning how to take 3D photographs, below is a step to step guide.
Set up To take 3D photographs, you need a tripod and a camera.
The first step is setting up your tripod and camera on a level ground.
You can choose to take a photo of anything.
Your subject should however be on the center.
Take your shots Once everything is set up correctly, take your shot.
After the first shot, slid your tripod to the left or right for approximately 2.
5 inches or 63 mm.
If necessary, you can consider adjusting your camera's direction so that your subject remains at the center of the shot.
After making necessary adjustments, take your second shot from your new position.
Consider using additional cameras The above step works perfectly for still subjects.
If you want to capture perfect 3D photos of moving subjects i.
a pet, you need additional hardware like an extra camera.
A 2 camera rig which mounts perfectly on your tripod can come in handy at this step.
You should ensure cameras are mounted approximately 2.
5 inches apart (from center to center).
In case you don't have an extra camera, you can consider constructing a mirror splitter.
The splitter will help you capture both views perfectly using a single camera.
Viewing with glasses Once you have your photos, the next step is viewing them.
It is important to note that you need a viewing system to be able to view 3D photos.
In our case, we will focus on the most common viewing systems which are 3D glasses.
These special types of glasses superimpose right and left views.
As a result, the glasses filter the image forcing each eye to see the appropriate view only.
It is important to note that there are many 3D viewing systems when talking about 3D glasses.
The most common include; color filtering, active shutter and polarized glasses.
Color filtering glasses display 2 colors only, one for each view.
Polarized 3D glasses use 2 sets of polarized light filters to project the picture through each pair of filters.
These glasses are perfect for viewing over-colored filter systems.
Active shutter glasses switch display between left and right views in every other frame.
Depending on the type of 3D photo you have, you can choose suitable viewing glasses.
Alternatively, you can choose to make your own glasses.

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