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Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

I've read "Awaken The Giant Within: How to take immediate control of your mental, emotional, physical and financial destiny!" by Anthony Robbins several times since I first purchased it years ago when it was written.
It's a motivating book, and contains some excellent advice regarding peak performance and getting the most from yourself.
This was the book that made me a fan of Tony Robbins, and since reading this I've read "Unlimited Power," his first book, and the shorter ones that came after.
I've also listened to many of his audio programs.
However, it was this book, "Awaken The Giant Within," that first got me interested in what Robbins was teaching, and that I realized he really did share some powerful ways to change your life and as he says, "Shape Your Destiny.
" The paperback is over 500 pages long, so it is not a short quick read.
However, it is engaging enough that it does not feel long and laborious to get through.
I enjoyed reading it, and found myself energized by Robbins' infectious enthusiasm that comes through in this book just as it does in his audio programs.
The book is divided into four parts: Unleash Your Power, Taking Control - The Master System, The Seven Days To Shape Your Life, and A Lesson In Destiny.
The first two parts are the bulk of the book and teach the principles and strategies.
Part three is a seven day plan to implement the lessons into your daily living, and the final part is the last chapter which is a challenge for the reader to do more and to take on the challenges in life and make a difference.
The bulk of the book, the first two parts, focus on changing one's life for the better.
The five main areas looked at to master are: Emotions, Physical being, Relationships, Finances, and Time.
Robbins teaches principles of change so you can make the decisions that will effect your life.
In fact, chapter two is all about decisions.
Robins does a lot regarding pain, pleasure, and belief systems and how they influence our actions.
He then teaches how to change through Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques.
I liked chapter 8.
It focused on questions.
Asking the right questions can be very powerful.
Robbins provides his Problem-Solving Questions to assist with working out problems, and his Morning and Evening Power Questions to help you stay motivated, grateful, and happy.
Chapter 9, The Vocabulary of Ultimate Success, is also a very good chapter focusing on the words we use and how that affects us, and those around us, and how changing our language can change results, attitudes and more.
Other chapters teach the power of metaphors, emotions, and goals.
Part two, Taking Control, focuses on topics such as evaluating your beliefs, your values, the rules you've formed that guide your behaviors and actions, references that influence you, and creating your identity.
The seven day challenge is a worthwhile exercise.
I've done it and found it helpful.
The seven days have you focus on elements of your life to improve.
They are: Emotions, Physical, Relationships, Finances, Code of Conduct, Time, and day seven, a day of rest and recreation.
Overall, I really liked this book.
I guess that's why I've read it several times.
I think it contains some powerful tools to assist with living the life you desire and shaping your own destiny.
The key is to take the exercises and tools that will help you and then actually implement them and make the changes you desire.
It's a book that really can help you take charge of your own life.
And when life gets rough, and knocks you down, like it will.
It's a good book to turn to for assistance during those difficulties to assist you in getting back on top.

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