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How to Easily Make a Wooden Boomerang

    • 1). Print a boomerang shape from a computer modeling software. The shape should be a basic "V" for an easy boomerang creation.

    • 2). Trace the boomerang shape onto the birch plywood using a pencil. Use 1/4 inch plywood for stability and light weight construction to improve flight performance.

    • 3). Place the plywood on a bandsaw table. Cut the boomerang shape out of the plywood using the bandsaw. Use a smooth hand movement to move the plywood through the bandsaw's motions, generating a smooth edge to the shape.

    • 4). Sand the boomerang's edges with sand paper. The resulting edges should resemble an airplane's wings, slanting downward for generating lift to achieve flight.

    • 5). Test the boomerang. Throw the sanded boomerang to verify that it will return to the thrower. Sand the boomerang's edges again if the boomerang does not function as desired.

    • 6). Decorate the boomerang once it functions as desired. Paint the boomerang in unique colors and designs. Alternatively, apply lacquer layers to the wood, creating a glossy depth to the wood's grain. Allow to dry before throwing.

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