Health & Medical Health Care

Congestion Remedies - The Best Natural and Alternative Options

When you have a cold one of the worst parts is the inability to breathe properly, this can cause headaches and other problems that make you feel even worse.
Most over the counter options are just not working any more.
So I decided to come up with a list of those remedies that have been used for some time and are known to work.
Nasal Spray The most commonly used remedy offered over the counter is a spray, these are usually placed inside your nose passage and squirted.
However many effects are temporary and dont seem to offer long term benefits.
Tablespoon of lemon juice.
One cup of boiling water.
Use ½ teaspoon of ground sea salt.
Mix them together and put into a spray bottle.
Once cooled down then you can spray this either directly into your nostrils, as a mist in your room.
Another way to use this mixture is to put it into a bowl and place your head over it when it is still hot.
If you can stomach it add some honey into it, this is a known antiseptic and well known for healing qualities.
Add spices to food or eat spicy food The heat generated by spicy food triiger a reflex that can make your sinuses run.
Anything with hot chillies, strong onions and spices will cause the effect.
The effect can be temporary although by making this temporary fix you can push yourself toward a cure.
Another simple ad easy to make version is the use of Chicken soup with added black pepper which has been known to increase the clarity of breathing.
Vitamin C You need to take 500 milligrams a day to treat blocked sinuses.
The best bet for this is to treat as a prevention for the future not a cure.
However boosting your vitamin C levels with sudden increases can help as a quick fix.
Exercise Exercise has multiple benefits when you are ill.
Firstly it can assist in clearing the congestion by directly pumping air through the passage ways.
This can clear and improve congestion.
Physical Manipulation Moist compresses are well known to assist with sinus problem, you place them under the eyes and over the nose.
One suggestion is tha you press the tongue against the palette, then pressing on a point between the eyes.

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