Health & Medical Hypertension

New Health Risks of High Blood Pressure - Three Conditions That Can Affect Your Life

The health risks of high blood pressure have long been tied to diseases of the heart, brain, kidneys and the eyes.
 Now there is new evidence that hypertension can also cause, or exacerbate three new conditions.
  This "Silent Killer" affects over 70 million Americans and causes over 50,000 deaths a year and plays a contributing role to 300,ooo more.
 While it appears to be endemic, it can be prevented, controlled and reversed naturally.
 Every new discovery of high blood pressure's negative impact on our body should be a call for a national program of education to get Americans concerned.
The new studies indicate that HBP plays a role in:
  • Trouble Sleeping: Half the people who have high blood pressure also have sleep apnea.
     Sleep apnea is caused by throat muscles that relax and block the airway causing excessive snoring.
     New studies indicate that HBP may be responsible for that muscle behavior.
     This is actually a double whammy in that sleep is a natural way to work off stress.
     If sufficient sleep isn't obtained, pressure goes up.
  • Sexual Dysfunction In Men: It is normal for men older than 50 to have difficulty in getting and maintaining an erection (Erectile Dysfunction) but the condition is hastened if the man has HBP or hypertension as well.
     Blood vessels are hardened and partially clogged with plaque, limiting the blood flow.
     ED medications can actually worsen this condition and a man should always discuss his BP before getting prescriptions like Viagra.
      Currently there is no connection between blood pressure and sexual dysfunction in women.
  • Bone Loss: One of the characteristics of HBP is the elimination of calcium through urination.
     This excessive drain of calcium can lead to a loss of bone density (osteoporosis).
     Lower bon density can lead to broken limbs and joints.
     This is particularly true for older women.
While these conditions are not as dramatic as a heart attack or kidney failure or blindness, they are another indicator that HBP plays a significant role in a number of ailments.
It's a shame really in that blood pressure can be prevented, controlled and reduced with simple changes in diet, exercise and stress management.
Knowing your blood pressure and controlling it should be a priority for anyone who wants to live a longer, healthier life.

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