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The Astrological Forecast for July 2011 With a Solar Eclipse in Cancer

This summer I have been traveling in Europe. Living on Maui I need to get off the island once in a while. I am so spoiled with decent weather that I have no love for cold any more which means I usually travel in the summer. But now I am ready to come home and enjoy the quiet leisure of this beautiful island in spite of the tumultuous times we are in.

Finding that inner harmony and balance is crucial to be able to make smart decisions and be a power for good in the world.

This is the third out of 3 Eclipses in a short period of time and history might be made now. This Eclipse involves Sun, Moon, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in a dynamic Grand Cross and gives us plenty of challenges to work with. Six squares and 3 outer planets are involved and mark the deep evolutionary potential and trans-personal lessons we have to learn.

The highlights of this month are:

* New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer July 1
* Mercury in Leo July 2
* Venus in Cancer July 4
* Venus opposition Pluto July 8
* Venus conjunction Jupiter July 8
* Uranus retrograde July 9
* Venus square Saturn July 13
* Full Moon in Capricorn July 14 -15
* Sun into Leo July 22
* Venus into Leo July 28
* Mercury into Virgo July 28
* New Moon in Leo July 30

Venusian Challenges

This month we will have feminine qualities in the forefront. Venus the goddess of the arts, love and harmony is challenged and needs fine tuning. The Moon is ruling Cancer, the sign the Solar Eclipse is in. Venus and Moon, both are representing our inner feminine, different aspects of the inner woman. Both show us the way to deeper heart and soul connections and a sense of love and happiness. The sign and house position of Moon and Venus in your chart will give you a lot of information about what you are looking for in your intimate as well as more casual relationships. Both symbolize specific needs you have to consider to feel happy and joyful.

Venus in Cancer and than Leo later this month accentuates your longing for a safe haven as well as the need to being loved for who you are and the feeling of significance. The hard aspect connections with Pluto and Saturn and the conjunction with Jupiter are pouring oil into the fire of your passion. Wherever the energy is not flowing freely you will feel blockages in the form of irritation, fear of abandonment or loss, maybe you just have some vague sense of dissatisfaction and dullness. Whatever it is the more awareness and light you are able to bring to this subject the more chance for fulfillment and joy is evolving.

The Six Human Needs and Astrology

I love Tony Robbins work and just watched the CD "Back From the Edge – Creating Everlasting Love" where he works with a couple. His premises is that all our human drives and passion, what makes us decide and do things in our life is based on how we are organized around the six human needs we all share, but in a different order of importance.

The six human needs are the need for:
1.    Certainty & comfort
2.    Variety & change
3.    Significance
4.    Love & connection
5.    Inner Growth
6.    Contribution

You can imagine that if your most important need in life is to feel certainty and security in your relationship your life will look very different from somebody who values variety and change more. We all have these six different needs but our system is organized very differently around them. Looking at your chart one will be able to tell how your blue print is organized and how you will go about the fulfillment of your needs. Your chart is the road map to a more fulfilling life and conscious decisions along the way.

The New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Cancer

During a Solar Eclipse the Moon is interrupting briefly the energy flow and radiation coming from the sun to the earth. Afterward we have the chance to reconfigure and reboot a new consciousness with many new possibilities. On a global scale we could give birth to new forms and manifestations. As individuals we could grow our own garden, partake in the ecological movement, shop green or recycle. We can get involved in our community; share our time and expertise.

On a personal level we might feel more insecure than usual with everything else going on.

The New Moon in Cancer is compounding the issue because your soul needs to feel bonded, secure and happy within your family and other relations. And if that is not the case there is some inner work to be done. Ask yourself where you are on a scale of 1 to 10 concerning your heart connection in your intimate relationship and with your circle of friends.

Relationship Counseling

I believe that it can be tremendously helpful and even life saving to use a therapist or couple counselor to have a look at your strategies and needs if you feel dissatisfied in your relationship. I have watched many of my friends get great value out of counseling in times of stress. My husband and I have done counseling when we felt stuck and unable to move forward. And we have made it through 15 years now.

What counseling does it gives you a safe space to really express your deepest truth with the guidance of a neutral and trained practitioner. It creates the space to really listen to each other and hopefully the willingness to take back your projections and a sense of self-empowerment and responsibility for your own happiness.

Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon in Capricorn brings in sobriety and a more mature perspective. With that you know that your joy is in your own hands.

You can go ahead and support yourself in new ways to get the love you want. Relationship can be the source of deepest joy, happiness and spiritual growth.

Sun in Leo

With the Sun, later the Venus and New Moon in Leo there is a more carefree, expressive energy coming into your life. Things feel like getting lighter and more passion is available. Leo is a sign of fiery passions and self-expression without holding back. You want to be seen and acknowledged as somebody special and wonderful. The third human need of significance is becoming more important for you now. But to revel in admiration and to be successful with your projects and in love you need to show up and share your gifts generously.

Uranus Retrograde

The day Uranus entered Aries we had the earth quakes and the tsunami in Japan; a violent start into the fire energies of Aries. Uranus stands for sudden interruption, change and irruption. We will have Uranus going retrograde over zero degrees Aries on November 11, 2011 and than Uranus turn direct again December 10.

In my experience if a planet is passing through the first and last degree of a sign it is a very significant time. In the beginning of the sign the energy it carries is new and not well known yet. In the end of the sign we have to come to some kind of understanding and integration and are able to harvest the gifts of it.

I assume that the end of the year is holding still more unpleasant events and the possibility of more turbulent earth quakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes and hurricanes.

Emergency Preparedness

I am a member of CERT the Civilian Emergency Response Tem on Maui because I believe in preparedness and mutual support. I believe it is very valuable for every household at least to have extra water and food for a week in case of an emergency. It is just a smart thing to do.

Nevertheless we have all resources we might need inside of us to grow and share from our inner beauty and divine soul. Listen to your inner guidance whispering into your ear and you will be in the right place at the right time.

I hope you will have a wonderful month, aloha and many blessings, Shakti.

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