Health & Medical Nutrition

Caveman Diet

The caveman have it right, all along. They know the best way to to lose weight. Doing the caveman diet is not that hard as you think. In fact, it could actually stop making you feel hungry and get you burning calories as you go about doing your day-to-day business.

But first off, let me ask you something. When did the paradigm or norm that we have to eat three times a day, started? Do we have a scientific basis for this belief? Would we die if we would fail to eat three meals a day? Of course not! We would not die if we would miss a meal in a day. In fact, the possibility of dying even increases when we increase our meal intake and dwell into the excesses in our diet. And if we would really die in such regimen, man should have been extinct by now.

Why? It is because our early ancestors, the caveman, never worked that way. They don't have three meals a day and yet they survived and they are actually healthy, at that. What's their secret? Apparently, they only eat when they found the food! It may sound a bit uncivilized or barbaric, but that is how they lose the extra weight, or maybe that is how they tend to never gain an extra weight before!

The fact that they had to hunt it down or collect it provides them with the physical activity that they need to burn calories. The effort that they are exerting in finding the food is way much than the usual force that we exert in pushing a shopping cart around a supermarket. However, nowadays, it is quite hard for us to go on a caveman diet since food is already within our reach.

You don't need to exert much effort in finding food. You could even have it delivered right on your doorsteps. Also, modern technology has already made it more convenient and easier to do our usual physical tasks. For instance, instead of climbing the stairs, we could now take the elevator or the escalator.

So how do we combat this? How do we lose weight, the caveman style?

Well, there are always some alternatives to the comforts and convenience that modern technology brings. For example, instead of using a car, you could go biking to go places and instead of using the elevator, you could use the stairs instead. You may also want to try to wash by hand instead of using the washing machine. Use the carpet sweeper instead of the vacuum cleaner. Use a push mower instead of the ride on. You, see, there are really quite a number of ways that we could keep our adrenaline and muscles going.

Now, as for the meal side of things, how to you lose weight you may ask? Well, like what we have mentioned earlier, it is not really a mandatory thing that we eat three times a day. We could try to break it up into 6 or even 8 smaller meals a day. This will allow the body to process the food more evenly throughout the day, and not one big dump on the digestive system. It gives our system some more time to work on the digestion process and it will be less likely to store it as fat! In doing so, you would also have less time between meals which means you won't be snacking on all the wrong things in between due to hunger pangs.

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