Side Effects of Fosamax
- One of the side effects from Fosamax can be related to the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach cramps, pain in the esophagus, and heartburn can be moderate to severe with Fosamax in some patients. Sometimes ulcers can develop in the esophagus, the tube that leads down to the stomach, and in the stomach itself. These side effects of Fosamax can be treated with typical antacids, which can then lead to such problems as diarrhea.
- Another Fosamax side effect concerns the eyes. There can be muscle pain and eye disorders associated with the drug, but these are not common occurrences. Fosamax can cause the eyes to become red and/or swell which must be brought to the attention of a doctor. Using pain relief medicine to deal with these symptoms can lead to other problems such as liver failure, so contacting your physician is importance if you experience any of these symptoms.
- There is an extremely serious Fosamax side effect called osteonecrosis of the jaw. With this condition the bone tissue in parts of the jaw will die. It is often connected to previous or ongoing dental conditions and does show up in some cancer patients using Fosamax. The pain that comes along with this effect is very powerful and a doctor's opinion is quickly needed if you suffer from this side effect.
- There are very specific instructions as to how to take Fosamax. It must be taken with a full 8 ounce glass of water on an empty stomach in the pill form, as soon as you get up and out of bed in the morning. Do not eat for at least half an hour afer taking Fosamax as the presence of liquids or food will decrease how much of the drug is absorbed by the body and lessen its effectiveness. Do not lie down after taking Fosmax for at least 30 minutes, as this enables it to reach your stomach quicker and help to prevent irritation to your esophagus. The oral solution should be followed by at least 2 ounces of water right after.
- Some very rare side effects from Fosamax include skin rashes; which are associated with Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a life threatening illness. There can be muscle and joint pain that manifests itself with Fosamax as well as auditory hallucinations, where the individual begins to hear things that are not there. Visual hallucinations have also been reported as a side effect, but these too are very infrequent.