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Building Green With Straw: Do Your Research

Building Green with Straw is much like building with many other construction materials in that you have multiple ways to do the same thing and green home building is no different.
It really pays dividends to do your research up front; this will save time and headaches as your green home building project progresses and will ensure that your project sails through all the check points along the way.
Which Construction Methods? When planning to construct a home using alternative building materials it pays to do a little research about what construction method is most commonly used in your area.
This may make it easier to get approval through your local authority and find tradespeople with experience in your chosen method.
Lending and Finance for Building Green with Straw It may also be prudent to contact your bank or lending institution to find out whether or not they lend to people building green homes.
Some institutions put extra clauses in their agreements or set additional lending criteria or limits on loans that are to be used for building green with straw.
Insurance Considerations If you are planning building your green home yourself you will need to take out additional owner builder construction insurance - many insurance companies do not cover construction or major renovations in their usual home insurance policies so you may need to seek out a company that specialises in what you need.
Trades and Licenses When talking to local tradespeople about assisting with elements of your green home building project (plumbers, electricians etc.
) it is essential that you find out what work they are licensed to carry out.
Be sure to sight their certificates and insurances prior to engaging them.
Contracts Additionally it may be necessary to enter into formal agreements if work carried out is above a certain cost.
In some areas any work quoted above a set amount must have a formal contract drawn up, so check your local/state regulations to find this out.
Professional Services for Building Green with Straw Finding local professionals to draw up your plans who have experience with green home building and in particular building green with straw may be difficult depending where you live.
Once again it is worth researching your options, asking questions and even getting online to ask for referrals to experienced professionals.
Green Home Building but How Green? Building Green with Straw uses many other materials and it pays to research your options as many very common materials are not particularly eco-friendly (such as those treated for termites) or people friendly (such as those containing harmful chemicals and glues).
Building Green with Straw - Take Your Time: With any building project and especially green home building, because you are more likely to be heavily involved with the process (even if you are not planning to DIY) it is important to take your time.
Don't rush through the process and make sure you are really happy with all the elements you have selected.
Finding Your Straw: There are such things as straw merchants out there who supply straw to industry, agriculture, gardening centres etc.
The straw bales for your home need to be dry, uniform and tightly packed.
Find a reputable supplier who understands what you need.
This will make construction much easier in the long run.
Choosing Render and Finishes: Research the different types of finishes for the walls of your home.
There is a lot of information about render types and finishes and it will be well worth seeking out examples of each to see which you prefer for your green home building project.
These are just a few key points for you to consider as you begin to research your green home building project.
Building green with straw can be a very rewarding experience, but it can also be quite stressful if you've not done your research well.
With this guide to hand, you are well on your way to make great choices and ensuring your building green with straw program runs smoothly and that your home will give you joy for may years to come.

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