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Sasural Genda Phool A Show to Remember

Children are more resilient than adults. They have hope and they fight for the things which they want. They do not know the meaning of failure, which is why they are fearless in reaching for more.

However, as these children grow up they are faced with a number of obstacles. Some may be worse than others but the combination of these complications tends to have an effect on a person's mind-set.

This tends to hold people back and keep them from going for the things which they dream of. It also affects the way people act, in day to day life. This is true with almost all people, so much so that it is even captured on television shows. One such show is Sasural Genda Phool.

The plot of this serial circles around the life of Suhana Bajpayee. She comes from a wealthy and rich family and has everything she could ever want in life. However, she was young, she unexpectedly lost her mother. This affected her and way in which she was brought up. Her father went out of his way to give her everything she could want, to help her deal with the loss. As a result of this she was extremely spoilt and always wanted things her own way.

She later started dating a boy called Sid who was a model and everything she could ever want in a guy. She loved him very much however, when she told him she would like to one day marry him, he did not share her sentiments. He said that she was not marriage material and he could not take her home to his family.

Heart broken and enraged, Suhana turns to her father and asks him to find her a match. She says that she will marry whoever he chooses with no objections. Her father picks out a young man called Ishaan, who comes from a middle class family, who is very warm and supportive of each other. He wanted his daughter to be a part of this environment, so that she could see what it is like to be a part of a family.

Suhana and Ishaan have met before, but the two did not get along. Suhana especially detested him wanted nothing to do with him. So imagine her surprise when she sees him standing there on her wedding day. The two are marred however, she never really accepts him as her husband.

When she reaches her new home she interacts with the different members of the family and slowly realizes how serious the problems of life can be. She finds support in her new husband and slowly grows to love him.

So if you are looking for something new to watch, try a couple episodes of this show and you could just find your new favorite show.

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