Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Arthritis Natural Cures And Conventional Medications - The Differences

Regardless of what you read from the box or label of any herbal remedy, none of them make any claims that have sufficient evidence to satisfy requirements provided by the US Department Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
There are several key differences distinguishing licensed medications from natural remedies for arthritis.
All prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs undergo various experiments and tests regulated by the FDA to ensure that they're safe for consumers to use.
Many herbal remedies however do not undergo this process, and though this doesn't necessarily mean they're unsafe to use, they still present an possible risk to your health.
Prescription and OTC medications are commercially produced under the strictest quality control standards.
Each ingredient used has to be carefully researched to ensure that it won't have any unacceptable negative reaction to the human body.
The amount of each and every ingredient used is carefully monitored so that all products will have exactly the same content as described on its labels.
Even the smallest unit of difference in terms of weight or amount used could have disastrous consequences.
Herbal remedies, however, cannot promise the same thing.
Analyses conducted by the government and other concerned parties have discovered that some herbal remedies do not match the specifications listed on their labels.
Also, herbal remedies may be vulnerable to toxins.
If you didn't personally make your own herbal remedy for arthritis and you're simply purchasing a ready-made remedy, how can you be sure that the herbs used are one hundred percent organic? What if pesticides and other harmful products have been used when growing them? Lastly, not all herbal remedies are as natural as they might claim.
Previous researches have shown how these remedies contain commonly used drugs in traditional arthritis medications like prednisone and indocin.
At times, herbal remedies also contain ingredients that could be a cause for alarm such as diuretics, aspirin, Viagra, cortisone-like hormones, and tranquilizers.
While they're not necessarily dangerous to the body, they can still cause harm if a person takes them unknowingly.
If you therefore truly wish to take natural remedies for arthritis then protect yourself from harm by being familiar with the various herbs used for arthritic remedies.
Know the herb's purpose and possible side effects.
Most, if not all, the time, natural remedies for arthritis are cheaper than traditional medications.
This is undoubtedly one of its greatest attractions.
But before you let money dictate your choices, ask yourself if the potential dangers these natural remedies represent are truly worth your health.
How to Choose the Right Natural Remedies for Arthritis The best and simplest way to know the right alternative treatment for your condition is to ask your doctor.
Contrary to popular opinion, many doctors are open to having their patients be treated with alternative forms of medication as long as their choices have proven to be harmless.
If, however, you don't wish to inform your doctor about your decision then here's what you can do.
Know the contents of the product and research if any of it has harmful side effects.
Try to learn why they're specifically effective against arthritis.
Inquire with the Federal Trade Commission or even the Better Business Bureau to know if the company had received any complaints regarding the safety and use of their products.
Lastly, look for people who can personally recommend the product to you.

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