Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Diagnosed With Cancer, Here"s What to Do About It

When someone is first diagnosed with cancer they are frightened and confused at a time when clear thinking is very important.
Don't be rushed into making any decisions because the decision you make regarding your approach to the disease will likely affect your future.
There is more than one way to approach cancer and the more you learn about it and the more you get involved the greater a difference you can make to the out come of your disease.
There is no way you should blindly trust our current system of treatments to take care of you.
Firstly it's important to realize that all cancers are a disease of the whole body, not just where the growth appeared.
This growth appeared because of a condition within the body but by just removing the growth, that doesn't removed the condition that first caused it to appear.
That's why it often returns.
They have only treated the symptoms of a problem and haven't treated the cause of the problem which is far more important.
Also you must realize that in this money orientated world we live in, especially in western countries where these cancer treatments have been developed, our 3 ways of treating the disease are in place because they pay, not because they heal.
There are many faults with our treatments.
For instance removing some of the cancer as with what our doctors are doing today will only be successful if someone makes certain lifestyle changes to the way they live.
It's because none of their treatments address the reasons why it first grew and until the cause is addressed, there can be no real cure.
Learn about the disease, understand the causes of it, cancer today is well understood, it is not some mysteries illness that man can't fathom and it certainly doesn't occur without a cause.
Cancer doesn't have a single cause it has many contributing factors.
It is simply a disease of a weak immune system which is our built in self repair system and any treatment you choose, it's important that it enhances the immune system and doesn't harm it.
The most efficient healer the human body has, that will overcome cancer is a correctly functioning natural immune system.
The best and the most effect way to become cancer free are to remove the causes and use this protective defence system we have.
The immune system can actively seek out and destroy cancer cells but it requires good nutrition to achieve this.
It works with all cancers, no matter where they are and even with advanced cancer.
Treating the root cause or causes of the problem is far more important than treating the obvious symptoms.
The major reason cancer appears is because of nutritional deficiencies and this is true with all cancers, even that of the skin.
It's because of our high consumption of processed food which is nutritionally dead food because it's been processed and it's no longer fresh.
Another cause is our modern sedentary way of living where we get little exercise.
Also we are surrounded by chemical, most if not all have been extracted from the petroleum industry and the do cause us harm.
There is no such thing as a drug or a treatment to cure cancer, there are only common sense solutions and that is to remove the reasons why it first grew and allow the body to heal.
This is why they can't find a cure for the disease and at best, all our medical system can do is removing some of it with their toxic treatments.
Those treatments are not cures.
The only way is to cure the whole body and that will allow the body to become cancer free.
It works for everyone.
It's a cruel world we live in now days when we care more about profits than somebody's life.
While our hard working doctors are caring people they are not the ones in charge of the cancer industry.
They are only taught and allowed to use their 3 ways to treat cancer and nothing else.
Remember, doctors get cancer and doctors also die of it.

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