Technology Software

How to Draw a Reindeer in Illustrator

    • 1). Start the Illustrator application. Select "File" from the menu and choose "New." In the dialog, enter the width and height for the image and click "OK."

    • 2). Select the "Pen" tool from the toolbar on the left. Go to the tool options at the top and change the fill color to a light brown.

    • 3). Click on the canvas to add points and lines to create the shape of the reindeer's body. Drag as you add the points to refine the shape of the lines between the points. Go to the "Layers" palette and click on the empty checkbox next to the layer name to lock it. Then click on the "New Layer" button.

    • 4). Change the "Pen" tool's fill color to white. Use it to draw in the whites of the eyes for the reindeer. Then create a new layer and add black circles for the irises.

    • 5). Create a new layer, change the pen "Fill" color to a light brown and draw in the antlers, adjusting the shape of the lines by dragging as you add points. Continue this process of adding features on new layers until you finish your reindeer. Save your work.

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