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Free Nine Patch Quilt Block Patterns

The first image that comes to mind when we hear the term nine patch quilt patterns is often a very simple quilt block made from nine equally sized squares. It's possible to make some very interesting quilts with that simple design, but that layout is just the starting point for a nine patch, because designs are most often divided in many ways to create more intricate layouts. 

Many quilt blocks work nicely when sewn side-by-side, especially if they have the same bone structure. So consider using two or more nine patch blocks of the same size when you design a quilt. They won't always work together, but chances are good that they'll mesh.

Read About:

Patchwork Quilt Block Structure, to see how different types of quilt blocks can be divided to create new designs.

Double Nine Patch Quilt Block Pattern

This version of the Double Nine Patch quilt block finishes at 11-1/4" square, not what you might think of as a standard block size. But I've written another Double Nine Patch block pattern that includes size variations, including a large quilt block that's made with jelly roll strips, sometimes called 'noodles.'More »

Sawtooth Quilt Block Pattern

This quilt block is not the same as the patchwork design we know as Sawtooth Star, although you can certainly create a star at its center. The four variations illustrated are the same quilt block, and an example of the huge variations that can be created when color and color value (contrast) are altered in any quilt block. More »

Disappearing Nine Patch Quilt Block Pattern

Disappearing Nine Patch quilt blocks are made by assembling the most basic of nine patches -- with nine squares, and then slicing the blocks into four sections to create four smaller blocks that look completely different.

I've included a bit of background about the design, along with cutting instructions for three block sizes (plus the instructions needed to create additional sizes).More »

Lucky Clover Quilt Block Pattern

My pattern is actually a variation of the traditional Lucky Clover design. I simplified the layout to make all of its patchwork rotary cuttable and to remove set-in seams. The pattern includes two finished block sizes, 6" square and 12" square. The smaller version of Lucky Clover was used in the Backwards Medallion Sampler Quilt.More »

Album Leaf Quilt Block Pattern

Album Leaf is a nine patch quilt block pattern that finishes at 9" square. It's similar to Maple Leaf and Tea Leaves quilt blocks, but with a difference. Album leaf has a light signature panel that was used to make friendship quilts for friends and family -- everyone who made a quilt block signed with a name, message or both. Use the patch for siggies, or simply let it become part of the design.More »

Road to California Quilt Block Pattern

This 9" quilt block is one of many patchwork designs that are called the same name. The block's diagonally oriented patchwork makes it a 'linking' block, or somewhat of a 'chain,' terms that describe blocks with similar movements that allow them to link-up in a quilt design. You'll always discover lots of layout options when working with this type of quilt block.

If you like the overall look, be sure to see another version of Road to California and Rocky Road to CaliforniaMore »

The Hen and Her Chicks Quilt Block Pattern

The Hen and Her Chicks is an easy nine patch quilt blocks made from all straight grain patchwork that's quick pieced for speed and accuracy. The block finishes at 9" square and offers loads of opportunity for color layout.More »

Eccentric Star Quilt Block Pattern

Choose from two finished sizes of Eccentric Star... a 6" block or a 12" quilt block. Patchwork is quick pieced to make assembly a breeze, and the blocks work nicely in either a controlled or scrappy layout.More »

Dolly Madison Star Quilt Block Pattern

I simplified the Dolly Madison Star quilt block a bit, too, to make assembly easier. The 9" finished block is a variation of the popular Ohio Star layout, but with a small nine patch unit at its center.

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6" and 12" Friendship Star Quilt Block Pattern

I've written patterns for several variations of the popular Friendship Star quilt block. This version has half square triangle units at its corners -- the 'basic' Friendship Star has plain squares in those slots. A few more layouts include:

More Nine Patch Quilt Block Patterns

That's just a small sample of the nine patch quilt block patterns I've written. To find more, browse my Quilt Block Patterns Gallery.More »

Quilts Made with Nine Patch Quilt Blocks

A large number of my quilt block patterns include nine patch quilt blocks -- the nine patch layout is one of the most popular types of patchwork. Follow the link above to find patterns for all sorts of quilts, including nine patch designs.

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