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Construction Machinery Technology


    • Hydraulics are at the center of large construction machines. Bulldozers, cranes, backhoes and cement mixing trucks all rely on hydraulics to perform. A hydraulic machine uses a circuit to generate tremendous power to move and lift heavy objects. A pump powered by a gasoline or diesel engine compresses fluid that is transmitted to a cylinder. A piston in the cylinder moves when the pressurized fluid pushes against it. When the fluid it released the piston returns inside the cylinder. Hydraulics are closed fluid systems meaning the same fluid is used repeatedly in the circuit.


    • Pneumatics are similar to hydraulics except instead of fluid the circuit uses a gas, usually air. A compressor squeezes an certain volume of air into a smaller space and when the air is expanded it creates energy to do work. Both large tools such as jack hammers and hand tools ranging from drills to hammers and screwdrivers operate with pneumatic power. Unlike hydraulics, however, pneumatics are an open system: the gas is compressed, used and expended.


    • Computers are being used with construction technology to perform a variety of tasks. Computers control the various functions of a lift crane. A computer constantly calculates loads and levels with a front-end loader. Computers also manage schedules and how much fuel is left in the bulldozer's tank. Small computers are now integrated with some hand tools to adjust torque and measurements for accurate use when installing various fasteners and pieces of hardware.


    • GPS is a global positioning system. Despite it's ability to find a position around the world, it can also pinpoint a spot within inches of a designated location. Using GPS (which emanates from a group of orbiting space satellites) allows for accurate surveys, foundation positions and laying long pipelines. GPS not only makes for accurate positions but also speed up construction time when work can proceed without waiting for lengthy and laborious surveys and manual measurements.


    • Battery technology is influencing construction technology. With the advent of very powerful small batteries, different tools and construction equipment machines can be more portable and more powerful. A central generator is needed to recharge the batteries but there is no longer the need for extension cords and running electricity to job sites. Everything from hand drills to concrete mixers can be powered with strong replaceable and rechargeable batteries.

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