Business & Finance Shopping

Finding That Unique Holiday Gift

I don't know about you, but I have always dreaded those 'Secret Santa' gift sharing times with my co-workers.
And even those gift exchanges with family.
My phobia extends to birthdays and gift giving in general.
I know I have it bad.
But I just can't stand to see the excitement build as everyone waits to see what unique holiday gift ideas everyone has come up.
Finally, when it is the time to open that holiday gift everyone watches with just a little disappointment when all the gifts are very close to the same ones from last year, and the year before.
I know we live in a very busy world especially at Christmas.
While there may not be much uniqueness in typical gift giving anymore, this provides us an even bigger opportunity for giving a truly unique holiday gift without needing to try so hard.
Let me explain.
Go ahead and give ties, socks, or even underwear if you must.
These things are certainly second nature to some holiday gift givers.
Or how about watches, earrings or jewelry.
And I think we all realize that retailers make it easy to quickly grab something expensive and totally worthless from the center aisle.
So let's say this year you want to be different.
Here is my simple three step plan to unique holiday gift giving that works like a charm.
First thing is to SPY on your holiday gift list.
Yes, I said SPY ON THEM.
Here is what I mean.
Make an effort to strike up little conversations, asking them easy-to-answer questions about themselves.
For example, you could mention what nice weather it was over the weekend and ask them what they did to enjoy it.
Let's say that your co-worker said she did a lot of gardening.
In step two, NOTE and write down what you have learned, and maybe a unique holiday gift idea or two.
Quickly brainstorm a unique gift for the woman who loves gardening like a crystal rose, or something else to compliment to her cubicle's décor, or her windowsill.
The final step is just as easy.
Simply take your notes with you as you SHOP at various stores.
With your little list as a guide, it will be easy to find the perfect unique holiday gift for everyone on your list.
So follow these three easy steps.
And just remember that it's not the cost of the holiday gift that means the most, but the thought that makes the gift so special.
Find out what they love, and they will love you for your thoughtfulness.

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