Rebound Senior Dating Relationships, Do They Work?
We are always told that relationships on the rebound are bound to fail, even more so when your older, well I'm sorry, but I just don't agree with this, however many people keep saying it it's just not true.
To me life and relationships is and are different for everyone, every-time.
People say that you shouldn't rush into another relationship after just finishing one, why? At the end of the day every relationship is different, and senior dating senior Is simply about 2 grown ups who don't require the approval of others!.
Just what is a rebound relationship anyway? Well the common held view is that it all seems to be based on time.
For most people if you say that a friend is dating less than six months after the end of a long-term relationship there's an audible sucking in of breath and a shaking of the head.
This whole idea of about 6 months really seems to be a general view.
But is it based on hard facts, or has it more to do with people morally judging others.
The simple fact is that as usual it's all to do with what people think, in other words an urban myth.
Everyone of us and every relationship is different, and good things always seem to happen when we least expect it.
We really have no idea what is around the corner, but if we just sit still and are too afraid of what people think then we will never know whether just around that corner lies good or bad things, do we? So your mature and you've just come out of a long-term relationship, do something novel, put your self first and ignore what people think.
Next ask yourself an honest question, what have I really got to lose by getting into this senior dating lark, the answer nothing! Lets say you chat to friends, check out the web and then decided to join an online senior dating agency, one set up just for older people like us.
So you give it a go, join the site and before you know it there are lots of people your age to talk to.
Before you know it your chatting away to different people, and before you know it you find yourself chatting to someone who just ticks all the right boxes for you, next step you know is to meet up.
In your mind do you think this is all too soon, or do you think I have nothing to loose? The thing is that three things can happen if you do meet up, one you really don't get on, well fine.
Next you become friends, but no real spark, hey great, after all who in this world has too many friends? Or you really hit it off and have a great time.
The whole point is that what people think shouldn't be the reason whether you get back out dating again, only you know if you are ready or not.
Being senior and single after a long-term relationship is often a tough time, but it doesn't have to be.
If you join senior dating agencies open-minded and totally free from any preconceived ideas or goals, then you can achieve so much from being a member, at the very least friends, and if you're really lucky you are going to find that special relationship.
To me life and relationships is and are different for everyone, every-time.
People say that you shouldn't rush into another relationship after just finishing one, why? At the end of the day every relationship is different, and senior dating senior Is simply about 2 grown ups who don't require the approval of others!.
Just what is a rebound relationship anyway? Well the common held view is that it all seems to be based on time.
For most people if you say that a friend is dating less than six months after the end of a long-term relationship there's an audible sucking in of breath and a shaking of the head.
This whole idea of about 6 months really seems to be a general view.
But is it based on hard facts, or has it more to do with people morally judging others.
The simple fact is that as usual it's all to do with what people think, in other words an urban myth.
Everyone of us and every relationship is different, and good things always seem to happen when we least expect it.
We really have no idea what is around the corner, but if we just sit still and are too afraid of what people think then we will never know whether just around that corner lies good or bad things, do we? So your mature and you've just come out of a long-term relationship, do something novel, put your self first and ignore what people think.
Next ask yourself an honest question, what have I really got to lose by getting into this senior dating lark, the answer nothing! Lets say you chat to friends, check out the web and then decided to join an online senior dating agency, one set up just for older people like us.
So you give it a go, join the site and before you know it there are lots of people your age to talk to.
Before you know it your chatting away to different people, and before you know it you find yourself chatting to someone who just ticks all the right boxes for you, next step you know is to meet up.
In your mind do you think this is all too soon, or do you think I have nothing to loose? The thing is that three things can happen if you do meet up, one you really don't get on, well fine.
Next you become friends, but no real spark, hey great, after all who in this world has too many friends? Or you really hit it off and have a great time.
The whole point is that what people think shouldn't be the reason whether you get back out dating again, only you know if you are ready or not.
Being senior and single after a long-term relationship is often a tough time, but it doesn't have to be.
If you join senior dating agencies open-minded and totally free from any preconceived ideas or goals, then you can achieve so much from being a member, at the very least friends, and if you're really lucky you are going to find that special relationship.