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Family Lawyer at Pierce County

A family is basically constituted of a spouse and children. This relationship is initiated by marriage which is considered as the first bondage of society. It is said that marriage is made in heaven; so are thunder and lighting. Marriage is a storm preceded by showers and followed by tempests, in the shape of divorce. When such a situation arises, the marital relationship is totally shattered leading to a number of social, financial, mental, emotional and legal complications that go beyond the control of a person. The only option under such eventuality is to avail the services of a family lawyer in Pierce County.

If the spouse have reached to a point of no return in their marital relationship, all matters and issue related to marriage and divorce must be settled in an expeditious manner so as to minimize the mental and financial loss. Therefore, you should avail the services of a competent family lawyer who is well conversant with the related acts and regulations ranging from marriage registration to divorce, and all.

Marriage and divorce are the two sides of the same coin; pleasant-unpleasant, cordial-hostile. Therefore one wishes marriage to continue for the longest period and the divorce to be settled at the earliest possible time. But because of so many legal issues associated with divorce, it would be most prudent to make the best choice of your lawyer in Pierce County. Child Custody is one of the major issues connected with divorce that needs special attention and tactful dealing. A lawyer who is aware of the biases and propensity of the judge has all likelihood of getting the case settled in your favor.

For deciding, which parent to take custody of the child, the court takes into consideration, the extent and strength of relationship with the child. At the same time, court assesses the extent of responsibility that is likely to be taken up by the parent. The emotional need of the child assumes an important consideration of the judge. Besides, other factors are past and potential future performance of the child, sibling relationship of the child, any agreement of the parents and the employment schedules of the parent. You can obtain joint custody if your spouse agrees with you.

Generally, parent who is not given the custody of the child is to pay the child support to the custodial parent. For determining the child support, incomes of both the spouse are added and a standard formula is applied to it. In case your spouse agrees to share custody equally, then no child support will be required to be paid. In addition to the monthly child support, you may also be asked to pay for other expenses such as uninsured health, for education, day care and dental care expenses. Divorce establishes cessation of legal contract of marriage and calls for settlement of a number of legal issues that could be performed a competent family lawyer in Pierce County. There are some real good divorce lawyers available in Pierce Country. You can find them online too.

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