Health & Medical Women's Health

Spot BV Early On - Knowing the Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis And Preventing It

It is important to spot BV early on.
A common saying when it comes to health is this: "Prevention is the best cure to any disease.
" Ask any doctor or specialist about health and they will tell you the same thing.
Prevention is indeed the best way to cure any disease.
If an illness never hits, you would never have the problem of curing it.
And the only way for you to be safe from disease is by keeping yourself informed.
For women, the most common diseases are related to reproductive health.
One of the most common reproductive diseases in women is BV or bacterial vaginosis.
Bacterial vaginosis is an infection caused by bad bacteria growth in the vaginal area.
BV can cause quite a stir, especially for sexually-active women, because it makes the vagina have an appalling fishy odor, which can really turn off sexual partners.
So how does one spot BV early on? The answer is simple.
You just have to get educated.
In order to spot BV early on, you need to know the basic symptoms of BV.
Finding it early on will allow you to stop the bacterial infection from spreading.
So what are the signs of having bacterial vaginosis? The first sign was already mentioned above.
If you notice a fishy smell coming from your vagina, then you need to start worrying.
Once you notice a weird smell coming from your vagina, see a specialist right away.
An obstetrician will check on the acidity levels of your vagina.
The vagina is naturally acidic.
This is for sanitary purposes as the acid kills most bad bacteria.
If you have BV, your vaginal acidity will go down; that is the second sign.
After your obstetrician check you for vaginal acidity, check the results; if your vaginal pH is greater than 4.
5, then you have BV.
In order to know more about BV, consult with your obstetrician.
Your doctor can tell you everything you need to know about bacterial vaginosis.
Spot BV early on, just take the initiative to educate your self.

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