Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

A Brief Glance Into The Negative Impact Of Obesity

For the one who is overweight, there are very many serious threats to health and quality of life. The health costs of obesity in 2010 for the US is huge and is above 100 billion dollars per year. What appears contradictory is the billions which are also used on fat loss products each year. So there appears to be a battle that is being waged for our well being. A number of culprits that only worsen this state of affairs are companies that create highly processed foods and destructive drinks. There is undoubtedly no secret that countless foods include high sugar and fat content. Obesity typically causes an array of health conditions, and here are several critical ones.

Millions of individuals in the US suffer from Type 2 diabetes, additionally, the principal source of it points to obesity. More younger individuals in their adolescent years are overweight, and doctors are seeing an upward spiral together with type 2 diabetes. The start of diabetes happens because study has shown a high correlation between insulin resistance and unhealthy weight. A person who is already significantly overweight or severely obese is at a high threat with a sugar rich diet. Many institutions and people have tried to make the public aware of high fructose corn syrup in numerous drinks. Regular white sugar is undesirable enough, however high fructose corn syrup is incredibly sweet and harmful with long term consumption.

Other severe disorders which have been often seen include destruction of certain joints in the body. The primary places are the weight supporting joints like hips, knees and ankles. Osteoarthritis is often seen in these situations as well because of joint damage. Unfortunately the most common procedure of joint replacement is not automatically a viable option. While huge numbers of people get joint replacements, there is a greater chance for success with usual weight conditions. Naturally only a physician can make the final decision for those with excessive weight problems. There are specific risks built in if surgery happens as a result of the mechanics of the general situation. The joint that had been replaced may begin to be mechanically unsound which is highly undesirable.

Problems are very common relating to the heart and particularly high blood pressure. It appears that just about every major function by the body processes is challenged. The occurrence of so much fat is merely a huge demand for air that is supplied by the blood. The net impact is to put a terrific stress on the heart due to the needs of the extra fat tissue. Not surprisingly, one's heart must produce significant amounts of pressure to keep all that tissue oxygenated. There can also be a boost in the pulse rate as it functions in response to all that need.

Obesity puts your body in a risky state for a wide selection of medical conditions. There are additional equally threatening conditions that can easily result from an obese condition.

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