How I Work From Home Effectively
I spend most of my working time at home, working on my work from home online venture.
There are a lot of things I like about this arrangement.
For example, not having to wake up and get out the door at an early hour, not having to deal with trying to drive in and getting aggravated with traffic and not needing to deal with the frustration of trying to make my way to work in bad weather.
Most of you may think that this is part and parcel of getting yourself to work, and I will be missing all those fun.
The answer is no, I don?t mind missing those things at all.
However there is one main problem with being your own boss and working from home.
The problem is making sure that I plan my day and keep myself out of the many things that may be going on around my house.
At times it can be a real struggle to keep my wife or the children away from my room.
What amazed me is that no matter how many times I try to carefully explain the concept of working time to them, they still find so many trivial reasons for interrupting me.
In some ways I feel it is a delicate balancing act to strike a balance between actual work and family time.
I do not want my family to think I do not care about their concerns.
Yet many of their seeming emergencies are not anything that they would ever involve me with if I was out of the house during the day.
At times when things get out of hand and inorder for me to restore order back to my daily routine, I have to make a point of planning to spend a few days out of the house during my working hours so that I am out of their daily emergencies.
I normally plan my days out of my home skipping around from the library and a few local shops that fulfill some of my work requirements.
Normally it takes only two or three days of such disruption to reset things to a manageable level again.
The break in the routine actually break the habits of my families always calling upon me to assist in their emergencies.
It is through this constant work and break routine that I manage to counter the over reliance of my family on me when I am working from my home.
There are a lot of things I like about this arrangement.
For example, not having to wake up and get out the door at an early hour, not having to deal with trying to drive in and getting aggravated with traffic and not needing to deal with the frustration of trying to make my way to work in bad weather.
Most of you may think that this is part and parcel of getting yourself to work, and I will be missing all those fun.
The answer is no, I don?t mind missing those things at all.
However there is one main problem with being your own boss and working from home.
The problem is making sure that I plan my day and keep myself out of the many things that may be going on around my house.
At times it can be a real struggle to keep my wife or the children away from my room.
What amazed me is that no matter how many times I try to carefully explain the concept of working time to them, they still find so many trivial reasons for interrupting me.
In some ways I feel it is a delicate balancing act to strike a balance between actual work and family time.
I do not want my family to think I do not care about their concerns.
Yet many of their seeming emergencies are not anything that they would ever involve me with if I was out of the house during the day.
At times when things get out of hand and inorder for me to restore order back to my daily routine, I have to make a point of planning to spend a few days out of the house during my working hours so that I am out of their daily emergencies.
I normally plan my days out of my home skipping around from the library and a few local shops that fulfill some of my work requirements.
Normally it takes only two or three days of such disruption to reset things to a manageable level again.
The break in the routine actually break the habits of my families always calling upon me to assist in their emergencies.
It is through this constant work and break routine that I manage to counter the over reliance of my family on me when I am working from my home.