If You Know How to Use Essential Oils You Don"t Need to Be Afraid of Pandemics Like Swine Flu
The media has spent a lot of time over the last few years talking about the bird flu, now it has turned into the swine flu.
A lot of people are scared and a lot of people are asking how they can protect themselves.
If you use essential oils (EO), eat healthy, and take care of yourself you really should not have anything to fear.
I actually tend to ignore these media reports until the questions from those concerned hit my e-mail box, then I have to stop and remember that others still have fear and the best way to get rid of fear is to have understanding.
According to Dana Clay Young, world-renowned essential oil (EO) expert and developer of the Spice for Life formula, whenever someone asks him about this pandemic or that pandemic scare his answer is pretty much the same, "There are four oils you should never, ever be without--Spice for Life, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint.
These oils have the greatest and longest scientific record showing antiviral and antibacterial properties.
" From listening to him lately I would feel safe in thinking he would now add a fifth EO to his list, Black Cumin.
Spice for Life Be Young EO blend is an oil that has been tested and proven against the bird flu virus.
The swine flu is a virus akin to the bird flu virus, so this is still the EO you would reach for first.
Virus fighters:
It does take some time--not much of your time, but they have to steep for several weeks.
I make a great AntiPlague tincture that I created.
If you're interested in learning how to make tinctures e-mail me and I'll put together a class (this can be a class where you receive how-to instructions or an in-person hands-on class).
Something to consider: many immune enhancers will keep pushing your immune system, keeping it constantly on high alert.
This is not a good thing.
It's like Echinacea, yes, it's wonderful if you're fighting a cold, but you don't want to use it all the time.
One of the wonderful things about EOs is that they even things out in your body.
For example, if you're a diabetic and you take insulin you have to make sure your sugar doesn't go too low and always have something on hand to bring it up or down.
You don't really have to monitor an EO; it won't bring sugar down too low or raise it too high.
(Of course, I'm assuming you're utilizing common sense, a few drops of an EO is all you need, most of the time you only need one drop, assuming you're using a pure EO with no extenders, such as Be Young EOs.
) Whatever else you're doing, be sure you're doing your Liver Cleanse--it is very difficult to stay well when your liver is offline!
A lot of people are scared and a lot of people are asking how they can protect themselves.
If you use essential oils (EO), eat healthy, and take care of yourself you really should not have anything to fear.
I actually tend to ignore these media reports until the questions from those concerned hit my e-mail box, then I have to stop and remember that others still have fear and the best way to get rid of fear is to have understanding.
According to Dana Clay Young, world-renowned essential oil (EO) expert and developer of the Spice for Life formula, whenever someone asks him about this pandemic or that pandemic scare his answer is pretty much the same, "There are four oils you should never, ever be without--Spice for Life, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint.
These oils have the greatest and longest scientific record showing antiviral and antibacterial properties.
" From listening to him lately I would feel safe in thinking he would now add a fifth EO to his list, Black Cumin.
Spice for Life Be Young EO blend is an oil that has been tested and proven against the bird flu virus.
The swine flu is a virus akin to the bird flu virus, so this is still the EO you would reach for first.
- Spice for Life eo blend consists of the following EO: Cinnamon, Mandarin Orange, Lemon, Lime, Clove, Nutmeg, Black Cumin, Eucalyptus Radiata, Ravensara, Thymus Vulgaris, and Oregano.
The Spice for Life EO blend helps stimulate the immune system, especially the respiratory system.
A lot of research has been done on Spice for Life to show that it kills bacteria and viruses.
When you blend together cinnamon, clove, lemon, and eucalyptus it has been shown to kill up to 99.
968% of airborne bacteria in clinical testing! This has been proven in several different blind tests at several different universities: Weber State, Georgetown, Baylor, and others. - Rosemary EO fights infections and helps the body to expel excess mucus.
It encourages cellular metabolism, stimulates cell renewal, and helps decrease cellular inflammation.
It encourages lymphatic drainage and tones the whole body.
- Eucalyptus EO's primary action is to open the lungs and heal the body.
It is antiviral and is an effective expectorant and decongestant.
When inhaled or rubbed on the chest it loosens bronchial secretions so they can be coughed up and expelled. - Peppermint EO stimulates white blood cells to strengthen immune system against infections, detoxifies, and activates lymph flow and drainage.
- Black Cumin EOstrengthens the body from the base level; it increases bone marrow cell production by up to 250%.
It helps drain the lymph system and assists the liver.
It increases and strengthens the immune system and helps the body increase its intake of zinc.
It also helps expel mucus.
- Diffuse--especially near doors that people come and go though and when you leave for school and work (to protect yourselves) and when you come home (to kill anything you brought home with you.
) I also strongly recommend that if you work in a high-risk place or if you have kids who attend school, that you have a personal diffuser necklace to protect you throughout the day. - Apply topically to the bottom of your feet or by body brushing with them.
Wow, if you want to feel invincible--body brush with Eucalyptus! (Note: Peppermint and Spice for Life are too hot, don't body brush with them.
) You can also add any of the above oils to some carrier oil (1/2 teaspoon carrier oil and 1-3 drops of EO) and then rub on your chest to help strengthen the respiratory system. - Take internally in a capsule or make a tea using 1 teaspoon raw honey, mix 1 drop of your EO of choice into the honey, then add to hot water.
Unless you are ill, you only need to take one drop of any one of the EOs mentioned above per meal.
For example, take one drop of Spice for Life with breakfast, one drop of Rosemary with lunch, and one drop of Black Cumin with supper.
You should be taking your one drop of Peppermint in the morning with your Liver Cleanse, and then you can body brush with Eucalyptus before your shower and you will have used all of these oils in one day! (Note: NEVER take an EO internally that is not EOBBD tested, like the Be Young EOs.
Many oils contain synthetics and extenders that can cause damage, especially if taken internally.
) - Soak in the tub with 1/2 cup Epsom salts (1/4 cup if you're diabetic or have a weak constitution) mixed with 3-5 drops of Eucalyptus.
Then add the salt to your hot water and swish the water around to dissolve the salt.
Remember, always rinse off after soaking in salt water as the salt helps draw toxins to the surface of your skin and into the water.
You don't want to reabsorb those toxins.
Virus fighters:
- AntiPlague Tincture (Dr.
Christopher makes a great one.
) - Elderberry Tincture
- Eucalyptus EO
- Peppermint EO
- Raw honey (local is best)
- Rosemary EO
- Spice for Life EO blend
- Black Cumin EO
- Cayenne
- Defence EO blend
- Elderberry Tincture
- Garlic
- Guardian EO blend
- Lavender EO
- Meditation
- Oregano EO
- Pretty much any EO
- Rosehip Tincture
- Sleep
- Spice for Life EO blend
- Stay hydrated
- Ticaboo EO blend (another blend by Be Young)
It does take some time--not much of your time, but they have to steep for several weeks.
I make a great AntiPlague tincture that I created.
If you're interested in learning how to make tinctures e-mail me and I'll put together a class (this can be a class where you receive how-to instructions or an in-person hands-on class).
Something to consider: many immune enhancers will keep pushing your immune system, keeping it constantly on high alert.
This is not a good thing.
It's like Echinacea, yes, it's wonderful if you're fighting a cold, but you don't want to use it all the time.
One of the wonderful things about EOs is that they even things out in your body.
For example, if you're a diabetic and you take insulin you have to make sure your sugar doesn't go too low and always have something on hand to bring it up or down.
You don't really have to monitor an EO; it won't bring sugar down too low or raise it too high.
(Of course, I'm assuming you're utilizing common sense, a few drops of an EO is all you need, most of the time you only need one drop, assuming you're using a pure EO with no extenders, such as Be Young EOs.
) Whatever else you're doing, be sure you're doing your Liver Cleanse--it is very difficult to stay well when your liver is offline!