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Switching Between the Technologies - Flat Screen and Plasma TV

Switching from the old to the latest technology might be affluent and need some sort of extra information before making a final decision particularly when it comes to the procurement of flat screen television.
The conversion from plasma to LCD demands careful understanding of the price differences, features, and specifications.
Prices for the LCD sets larger than forty and fifty inches is much higher than a plasma tv of same size.
The main difference in both of these technologies is that the plasma television reproduces black and good for home theaters where the users keep the room darkened.
On the other hand, LCD has bright display and ideal for the showrooms, public places and clubs, etc.
LED used for backlighting is another technological breakthrough in the LCD tv technology.
However, some users may complaint of the motion blurring which can be solved by buying the LCDs with higher refresh rates.
Deciding between the HDTV and other technology may involve some other significant factors such as power consumption.
Therefore, television sets with Energy Star logo should be preferred when buying HD.
Replacing an obsolete model with HDTV or flat screen LCD considers careful revision of your needs and requirements, features and specifications as well as monetary value.
You may end up buying the wrong flat panel for you and waste thousands of dollars in the absence of comprehensive knowledge and guide.
The specifications you need to select from are the resolution, video connections, contrast, mount holes, internet connectivity, and three-dimensional display.
Some of the other specs include the automatic settings of volume leveling and brightness control.
Besides the innovative features the guide to buy the best flat screen tv includes the size specification which greatly affects the price factor.
The size of the television also involves care to buy good resolution that should be at least 1080p for tv sets larger than forty inches to provide clearer better pictures.
For a smaller tv of thirty-five inches 720p is just enough for the viewing pleasure.
The right HDTV size includes the wide format.
Traditionally speaking, the standard definition screen has the aspect ratio of 4:3 whereas high-definition wide-screen has the aspect ratio of 16:9 that gives far greater viewing experience.
However, it again depends upon the user preference and specifications to buy the right size for their household.
In the last couple of years, flat screen tv technologies have come a long way.
With the dramatic drop in the prices, from high price tag to normal, HDTV is now available within an affordable range.
Switching from plasma to flat screen LCD is much easier these days when you have unlimited choice in brands and models.

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