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How to Review Your Yahoo! Mail "Spam" Folder Periodically

Yahoo! Mail includes the ability to automatically filter spam to the Bulk Mail folder. This works fairly well and keeps your Yahoo! Mail Inbox practically spam-free.
But the filters are not perfect, and so a desired message may end up in the Bulk Mail folder instead of the Inbox.

Review Your Yahoo! Mail "Spam" Folder Periodically

That's why you should
  • go to the Spam (or Bulk in Yahoo! Mail Classic) folder in Yahoo! Mail once in a while to see whether any legit mail has been hiding there.

    Keep in mind that messages in the Spam folder will be deleted automatically after 30 days, so be sure to visit it at least that often.

    In addition to reviewing the contents of the Spam folder yourself, you can mark erroneously filtered messages as not junk:
    • Open the message or check it in the message list.
    • Click Not Spam.

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