Technology Electronics

Iphone 4 Testers - How to Get A Free Iphone 4G by Apple

Want to be a Tester? Get Your Free Iphone 4 Here

In our society we get to see different reactions to word "Free" and to my expectations most of them take it as a scam but my question to them always is haven't you been a victim of scam fraudulent offer in real life? And above 90% say they have been.

There are two types of people out there, the first kind is of the opportunist who grab the moment and that is how they move forward and then there are people who are skeptical and always stay away from blessings that comes their way. This is a chance for all those people out there to grab this opportunity that is coming your way. In this case a FREE Iphone 4

I won't lie to you as my job is to be fair and just. Everything has a catch and you get nothing for free right? Likewise you can get FREE Iphone 4 by becoming a tester. Yes marketers are getting smarter every day and they realize social proof is the strongest tool. Because once you get your Iphone you won't stop bragging about it in front of your family and peers.

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This is exactly what the makers of Apple's new phone are counting on. They are so sure that you will love it, that they are willing to give you a Free Apple Iphone 4 in return for your social proof via a survey and product review. Sounds like a nice catch right? All you have to do is enter your Zip Code and win Apple iphone 4 for free and become part of the great tester community

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