Health & Medical Hearing

Tinnitus Cures - Do They Work?

Most people, after learning they are afflicted with Tinnitus, have but one thing on their mind and that is, is there a cure and if so what is it? For some the answer is no, a Tinnitus cure does not exist in today's medical world.
They believe only the means to temporarily relieve or cover up the ringing, buzzing clicking noise is available.
Others believe there are several different options available for curing Tinnitus.
So the question remains; is there a cure for Tinnitus that really works? People seeking a medical solution to end the irritating inner ear noise want to leave their doctor's office with the solution in hand.
Typically that does not happen, for there just does not seem to be a viable, permanent medical solution for Tinnitus.
Most doctors will treat suffers of this condition by prescribing some type of medication.
This usually takes the form of an anti-depressant, muscle relaxant, anti-psychotic or some other similar drug.
There currently is no "silver bullet" for the cure of Tinnitus hence the prescription of the above mentioned drugs.
Unfortunately these drugs, on top of being dangerous if used long term, tend to only provide temporary relief.
In addition one side effect of these medications is the potential for the ringing, buzzing noise to return much worse than they were prior to taking the medication.
Because of the recent research on alternative remedies for this debilitating condition and the seeming success of these alternative methods there is now a movement towards them for relief.
In many cases these alternative remedies have proven to be extremely effective allowing a person to live a life free of the inner ear noise that has plagued then for so long.
As to the question "Tinnitus cures, do they work?" the answer is yes and no.
It is conceded that the medical cures prescribed by doctors are only temporary at best and fraught with side effects.
And, on the other hand, the alternative remedies available are not always 100 percent effective for all people.
In the final analysis it seems the best course of action is for Tinnitus sufferers is to engage in some form of research to determine the best solution for their particular situation.
By doing so their chances of finding a lasting cure for the inner ear noise will be greatly enhanced and lead them to a normal life free of these debilitating noises.

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