Business & Finance Outsourcing

Essentials of Focus Group Transcription Services

The marketing business in today's world has a very high demand and it has become very important to know the opinions of groups of people from the public.
Focus groups are examples things that are used intensively when it comes to the discussion of various issues of interest or given topics.
The groups are normally made up of a moderator and around 10 participants.
The participants usually discuss the issues a hand in a free environment where they are able to give their opinions on the questions asked.
The groups provide very important feed back regardless of the industry sector that they are providing answers for.
This paves way for the improvement of service or products from companies.
They are mostly used by the medical and business field for marketing, planning and evolution.
Variants associated with focus groups include:
  • Teleconference groups- these are usually carried out via telephone networks
  • Dueling moderator focus groups- this is where during he discussion there are two moderators who take opposing sides.
  • Client participant groups- this is where there is a client present in the group discussion
  • Mini focus group- this is where the group has a minimum of 4-5 participants
  • Online focus group- this is usually done though the internet
  • Respondent moderator focus groups- this is where a few or one of the participants can be asked to act as the moderator on a temporary basis.
Focus group transcription services deals with converting the conversations that were held by the group like meetings, interviews and seminars among any others.
These are transcribed into written documents with great usage of format and language.
To come up with good quality when transcribing, there are a few things that the moderator has to have in mind like:
  • Testing all the equipment before the session starts to ensure they are in proper working order and they are places in the right places.
  • Finding a quiet location for easier recording
  • Ensure that all the participants speak clearly and slowly for recording purposes
  • Thank each of the participants by name for easier identification
  • Ask all the people in the room to switch off their cell phones
  • Get a digital medium that will be used for recording if possible
Brief participants before recording starts or carrying out a rehearsal to save time during the actual recording process.
Recorded data is saved on CD and sent to the persons responsible for transcription.

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