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Dealing With Blisters - Tips for the Backpacker

For most folks hiking is both relaxing and adventurous.
On those long hikes with the added weight of a backpack, making your way up and down difficult terrain, you are vulnerable to blisters.
It's no secret how these form, but a blister can spoil a good trip, so it's important to understand blister prevention, or properly treat one if you are an unlucky victim.
Follow along to learn some easy steps for prevention and first aid.
Normally blisters will occur because of the friction between your socks and your skin.
This is why it is incredibly important for you to select the best quality socks you can for hiking, so you can avoid the possibility of developing a blister all together.
Light synthetic socks are excellent choices as they fit very nicely on your foot and there are no bulky seams to cause friction.
You should also select a fabric that will quickly draw sweat away to make your feet even more comfortable while you are hiking.
Lycra and polyester are great choices of fabric for socks that will be comfortable and keep your feet from sweating too much, and keeping them as dry as possible.
Just as it is important to get the proper hiking socks it is also important to get the right hiking boots.
Getting the proper pair of hiking boots will be a huge help in avoiding blisters.
When you purchase your hiking boots they will of course be a bit stiff but you should not feel uncomfortable in them when you first put them on.
Breaking in your hiking boots before you go on any long hikes will greatly improve your chances of avoiding blisters.
  Wear them around as much as possible for a few weeks before your big hike.
Now you've got some great socks and a fantastic pair of hiking boots.
When you are on the trail and decide to dip your feet (or your body!) into a refreshing stream make absolutely certain that your feet are thoroughly dry before putting your boots back on.
It's best just to put on a fresh pair of dry socks every time you take off your boots.
Even if you have taken all of these precautions it is still possible to get a blister.
Here are some tips for treating it.
Popping a blister increases the risk of infections so if it's a small one, just leave it alone.
Dry it as much as possible, clean it with either alcohol or an antibiotic cream, and cover it with a bandage to reduce any friction.
   To drain a large painful blister, you will need to clean the area with alcohol.
Using a sterile needle, pierce one side of the blister and let it drain.
Then apply an antibiotic cream and cover it with a gauze pad or suitable bandage.
Never pull away the loose skin as it protects the new skin underneath.
Keep the area clean and change the bandage daily or more often if it gets wet.
While you can't always prevent a blister, these tips will help you deal with them more effectively and, hopefully, you will have a much more enjoyable adventure.

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