Technology Software

Cloud Compliance Helps Boost Cloud Security Product Growth

Traditionally, the fields of cloud computing, collection and storage have found opposition in terms of adoption, because of fears and anxiety revolving around the idea of information being stored outside the organization's physical borders. The idea of off-premise data storage can be scary for some, as it seems as if others might open the sensitive data.

Also, early adopters of technology have been relayed due to complex directive subjects, where compliance is a serious requirement. Though, nowadays, feelings on cloud computing and storage have transformed radically. Cloud services and storage providers are now big customers and adopters of cloud security compliance technologies so they can seem more appealing to potential customers all while boosting their set of value additions.

According to Preston Byrne, a junior research analyst focusing on security at Trevano Partners, "Simply cloud security for a single cloud service provider isn't enough when dealing with end to end data protection methods. Companies must be vigilant about securing all and any concealed threats and risks in the cloud. Thus, its crucial it teams look into data privacy and data protection software, which seem to provide the highest levels of security. Cloud Compliance is proven to be a high selling point for many businesses across multiple sectors. Having to comply by law is a great decision influencer for most businesses entering heavy growth phase, as they want to move as swiftly as possible while avoiding any possible potholes and obstacles that may appear in their path".

Avni Patel, a senior analyst at Ironpeak Group, states that, "It's crucial for enterprises to deploy a multitude of security procedures to reinforce their Cloud Security. These measures should include data encryption and decryption, cloud access management, and data loss prevention." Furthermore, Patel states that, "cloud services providers have increasingly boosted their offerings to meet customer needs and requirements, however several key services still remain in the dark, and not as common as they need to be. Security services growth has been impressive, but enterprises need to better job of delivering the value proposition in layman's terms to best convince customers and boost word of mouth marketing. In addition, most businesses should leverage social proof and testimonials from customers to boost awareness and brand image".

Ed Anderson, research vice president at Garter, states that while the most prevalent regulations, such as PCI and HIPAA, are indeed the most well-sustained in the cloud, this might be true for some enterprises and industries. "HIPAA is one that's mainstream now, but if you worked in a smaller industry, you may have trouble finding that similar sort of support for your compliance requirements," he says.

In conclusion, companies should focus on Cloud Compliance as a top concern for starting off cloud operations. Cloud Compliance should be paired with cloud security procedures, so they can work together to boost integration capacities. As modern organizations focus on these aspects, they can best prepare themselves to navigate through security regulations and policies to find growth via the cloud. Thus, Cloud compliance is a must for businesses looking to unlock hyper growth in the future.

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