Business & Finance Wealth Building

Is There Anything Really Dirty Or Sexy About Money?

If you have seen the TV series "Dirty Sexy Money" then you are probably wondering, as am I, what the title is all about.
Money isn't necessarily dirty (but it can be depending on where it has been) nor is it sexy.
Donald Sutherland's TV family, the Darlings of New York, are highly dysfunctional.
And that is where I believe the title comes from.
But what negative connotations does this TV show present about money? Have you seen Tripp Darling salivating over the gold bars in his bank vault? Pretty disgusting, isn't it? The reality is this - money is neither good nor bad, positive or negative.
It's what one does with his or her money that makes the difference.
Let's see, you could use it to buy illegal drugs or weapons or prostitution.
Those uses would all be negative - a bad use of neutral money.
Or, you could use it to fund a child's education, help feed starving people in war torn countries or pay for an urgently needed operation.
All those things would be a positive use of money.
Money itself does not care who owns it.
Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler and Idi Amin were some of the most evil and despicable humans ever to walk the face of the earth.
Yet they all had vast amounts of money.
Why? Have you figured it out? People who have lots of money - whether they are good people or detestable evil people - all have one thing in common.
They all know something.
If you believe the often misquoted saying: "Money is the root of all evil" then you will always have negative thoughts about money and you will always repel it.
The correct saying is: "The love of money is the root of all evil.
Think about that.
The way that you THINK about money will determine whether you will ever have it or not.
Money isn't dirty or sexy.
But there is ONE thing that you really do need if you ever want to become wealthy.
Have you figured it out yet?

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