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Guitar Lessons - What Beginners Need to Know

When it comes to guitar lessons, there are some very important things to keep in mind if you want the best possible chance for success.
You need to buy good quality musical equipment so you'll be able to stick with it for the long run.
You need to choose the right form of instruction so there won't be as many bumps in the road of your learning.
And you need to develop the proper practice schedule.
First of all, you should start out with the best guitar that you can afford.
If you start out with a cheap, poor quality, guitar you might give up too easily.
Cheap guitars aren't easy to play.
The strings usually sit too high, which makes them difficult to press down and form notes and chords.
They don't stay in tune for very long.
And they often have bad fret buzz which sounds terrible.
It is extremely frustrating to practice and learn on a bad guitar.
Many people quit because they have such a hard time learning on a poor quality instrument.
They think that they have no talent, or just can't get the hang of it - so they give it up altogether.
This can be solved by investing in a good quality instrument to begin with.
You can find a good quality, name brand acoustic or electric guitar for around $200.
Many people do well if they start out with an electric guitar.
The strings are lighter and usually sit closer to the neck (lower string action).
This makes it so much easier to form notes and chords.
But keep in mind that you'll have to invest in an amplifier too.
You can get a decent practice amp for around $50.
It is always best to take your first few lessons with a live instructor - or at least a friend who knows what they are doing.
Online lessons are great, but a beginner needs special help that online lessons have a hard time providing.
Beginners need someone to physically show them how to hold the guitar, form notes and chords, and correct them when they aren't doing things properly.
After a month or two, then you can switch to learning from books, DVDs, or online.
Try to practice at least 15 minutes every day - don't let more than 2 or 3 days pass without picking up your guitar.
This will help you develop and maintain your guitar muscle memory and hand strength.
Remember, the more time you spend practicing and playing guitar - the faster you will get where you want to be.
Guitar lessons and practice can be quite a challenge physically and mentally.
Your hands and fingers will be sore at first - but you'll get over it after a month or so.
Just push through the pain and you'll eventually reach great rewards.

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