When Zombies Attack!!
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Writer: Chad Waters Matt Rose
Artist: Jim Mahfood
Cover Art: Mike Huddleston
Content Guide: Graphic violence, mild language, supernatural creatures
Zombies freely walk the earth. Vampires stalk helpless convenience store clerks. Undead salesmen harassing you in the middle of a nights rest asking if you?re the primary owner of your home. What kind of world is this?
Welcome to Burke County, USA.
And it?s just another day in the life for the P.M.A.C. ? Post Mortem Animation Control. Think animal control officers on steroids.
The Story
Burke County is just like any other place in the USA, except for the undead that walks the earth. But the citizens of this quiet place have refused to panic and instead have turned over their safety to the P.M.A.C., a group of officers dedicated to putting the dead back in their places, in the grave.
The story revolves around two officers. Frank, a husky individual who?s cool and calm with the chaos all around him, and Chet, a new officer with a hidden talent. Along for the ride is a camera crew shooting their every move.
The story opens with a typical day for the P.M.A.C. They kill some zombies and investigate a convenience store haunting. But thing starts to change that night when a ?waker?, slang for a zombie, comes to Chet in the night and starts off with a sales pitch. Chet doesn?t hesitate to put the zombie in its place, but the weirdness continues for Chet with another visit later.
There are pranks and hilarity as the other officers haze the new guy and end up having to clean the drainage hole under the building and discover that something is lurking there. What it is will have to be revealed at a later date.
When Zombies Attack started out as a movie short by creature effects people Chad Waters and Matt Rose. The film is about 15 minutes long and has a sort of COPS feel to it. It is worth checking out along with the follow up, Waker Safety a short film about being safe around zombies taught by puppets.
When Zombies Attack is a sort of spoof on the whole zombie genre. It doesn?t take itself to seriously and if you?re looking for the intense storyline of a series like The Walking Dead, then you may need to look elsewhere. But there is a lot of charm in this comic. The storyline is interesting, albeit a bit over the top and there have been some questions that would be great to see the outcome to.
The art is provided by Jim Mahfood, who has worked for pretty much all of the major comic book companies on works like Clerks, Grrl Scouts, and Spider-Man. His eclectic art style definitely fits this offbeat story. If you?re looking for clean and crisp art, then look elsewhere. This is a zombie comic man!
When Zombies Attack offers some light hearted fun in the world of the undead. If you like zombie and horror comics, then check it out. If you?re looking for a superhero story, then check elsewhere. I would definitely suggest you check out the movie short and the follow up Waker Safetyas well, though. It will help add to the reading experience.
To purchase the comic, visit your local comic shop or visit this website.
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