Here is the Kind of Natural Cure You Need for Your Angular Cheilitis
Now right there are many people around the world who have cracked lips and just aren't sure of what they should do to help themselves rid themselves of these embarrassing facial features. A lot of these men and women with these features need to know that these could be symptoms of a skin disease called angular cheilitis, and you could have this crippling skin condition if these symptoms you are experiencing are becoming more and more prevalent on your skin.
Having this skin disease can be extremely painful making it difficult for a person to talk, eat or even drink without being in intense pain. The best thing that you can do to help with dealing with the condition of angular cheilitis is to just apply some lip balm because the raging wind is what causes a person to develop the cracked lips that eventually lead to this condition.
Ointments that you can use are honey, lip balm, and you can also use petroleum jelly whenever you think that you are about to break out or a lesion is about to open up on your skin. All you have to do is apply a very thick layer of this ointment to your skin and you will have the protection you need. After doing this, the next best thing for you to do is to have your dentures checked if you even wear dentures.
Another serious problem or root of having angular cheilitis is having dentures or braces that aren't fitted properly, so the best thing you can do is to go and speak to a dentist quickly so they can get them fitted properly. Without a doubt doing this is going to be one of the best things you can do to heal those cracked edges on your lips. Your dentist is going to advise that you go and soak and rinse your dentures and braces in a solution of mouthwash so that you get rid of any fungus and bacteria that could be causing an infection and making your condition worsen.
The next thing you are going to want to do is throw away all foods that are acidic because foods that are highly acidic are going to cause you to salivate and drool excessively, and when this happens you are opening the door for bacteria and fungal pathogens to reside around your mouth. Foods that are highly acidic are jams, tomato sauce, you want to stay away from any citrus fruits, and all foods that are sour in taste are foods that you want to stay away from.
Having this skin disease can be extremely painful making it difficult for a person to talk, eat or even drink without being in intense pain. The best thing that you can do to help with dealing with the condition of angular cheilitis is to just apply some lip balm because the raging wind is what causes a person to develop the cracked lips that eventually lead to this condition.
Ointments that you can use are honey, lip balm, and you can also use petroleum jelly whenever you think that you are about to break out or a lesion is about to open up on your skin. All you have to do is apply a very thick layer of this ointment to your skin and you will have the protection you need. After doing this, the next best thing for you to do is to have your dentures checked if you even wear dentures.
Another serious problem or root of having angular cheilitis is having dentures or braces that aren't fitted properly, so the best thing you can do is to go and speak to a dentist quickly so they can get them fitted properly. Without a doubt doing this is going to be one of the best things you can do to heal those cracked edges on your lips. Your dentist is going to advise that you go and soak and rinse your dentures and braces in a solution of mouthwash so that you get rid of any fungus and bacteria that could be causing an infection and making your condition worsen.
The next thing you are going to want to do is throw away all foods that are acidic because foods that are highly acidic are going to cause you to salivate and drool excessively, and when this happens you are opening the door for bacteria and fungal pathogens to reside around your mouth. Foods that are highly acidic are jams, tomato sauce, you want to stay away from any citrus fruits, and all foods that are sour in taste are foods that you want to stay away from.