How to Save a Voicemail on a Motorola Phone
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cell phone image by robert lerich from
Pick up your cell phone and look at the front. Notice this phone is unique due to its type and features. Motorola phones turn on by pressing the button on the front that looks like a phone, green in color. Locate the # sign and numbers 7,9, and 4 as these are your main buttons to access your mailbox. - 2
t??l??phone portable image by razorconcept from
Remember to call your cell phone number on your cell phone to access the mailbox. Pressing # on your phone will allow you to key in your password to the mailbox that you set up with your carrier. Listening to the messages on your cell phone, remember pressing the # 4 will repeat them. Use this button as many times as is needed to hear the messages clearly. - 3
cell on blue image by Iryna Petrenko from
Pressing the # 7 button located on the front panel will delete any message. Pressing the # 9 button saves any messages you wish to keep. - 4
Clavier de t??l??phone portable image by Fabrice Morciano from - 5
cell phone image by MateiA from