Technology Programming

How to Upgrade From Visual Basic Enterprise Edition 4.0 to 6.0

    • 1). Navigate to the "FreeWare" website listing provided in "Resources." Because Visual Basic Enterprise 6.0 was discontinued more than 10 years ago, it is no longer available on Microsoft's website.

    • 2). Click "Download Visual Basic." This will launch the download window, and you'll be asked what you would like to do with the file. Select "Save File" and it will be downloaded. The downloading file will be called "vbrun60sp5.exe." This stands for Visual Basic run 6.0 Service Pack 5.

    • 3). Open the file once it has completed its download. This will launch the applications installation wizard.

    • 4). Follow the prompts to begin installation. The program will be installed over your current Visual Basic Enterprise 4.0.

    • 5). Click "Finish" to complete the upgrade and installation process.

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