Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Best Diet For Gout Treatment

Further gout attacks are caused by regular intake of purine rich food items.
There are many causes of gout including obesity, renal failure, metabolic syndrome, leukemia, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and some other factors.
The main aim of gout treatment diet is to reduce the level of uric acid in the blood, further gout attacks prevention, providing relief for the symptoms and prevention of some other complications like kidney stones problems and joint destruction.
Diet plays an important role in the treatment of gout therefore it is very essential to make some dietary changes.
The main aim of dietary changes is to reduce the uric acid levels in the blood, which is formed by the metabolism of purines.
According to the research, sufferers those who have adopted a gout treatment diet have been successful in reducing the gout related symptoms.
One of the most important parts of the gout treatment diet is the exclusion of purine rich foods which are known for causing gout.
Some common high purine foods are meat, kidney, liver, brain and sweetbreads.
Seafood such as anchovies, sardines, mussels, herring and mackerel are also loaded with purines.
The intake of protein-rich food items, like meat products, eggs, poultry, fish and beans should be limited.
In order to get your protein try to include protein substitutes like tofu and dairy products in to your diet menu.
Eliminate coffee, alcohol and sweetened sodas because these products are responsible for causing dehydration.
Try to drink plenty of water because water helps eliminate the excess uric acid in the form of urine.
Also, try to avoid brewer yeast, baker yeast, junk foods, sugar, refined and caffeine.
Make a proper exercise regimen for keeping your weight under control as, obesity is also linked with gout.

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