Business & Finance Small Business

Free Retail Merchandise Can Deliver Truckloads of Profits

For more than a decade one of the biggest problems we had in business was what to do with all the free retail merchandise that filled our closets, storage rooms, office space and SUVs.
A problem, because when you are out of space you are really in a bind when the delivery man shows up, as he often did multiple times a week, with boxes and cases of even more merchandise.
All of it was being sent to us by companies that happily packed those boxes and paid for the shipping to our front door.
Why Did Companies Send Us FREE Merchandise? Simple.
These companies were almost desperate to find a buyer for brand new retail inventory that in many cases was clogging their warehouses, taking up valuable space needed for new shipments.
They had time and money tied up in this inventory which now needed to be sold fast, at a greatly reduced price, in order to make way the new on the block.
They needed a new and special type of buyer.
Many companies did not know how to find that buyer.
Their expertise in business was to deliver that merchandise into typical retail sales channels.
What to do with the merchandise when that channel was no longer an option was a head scratcher for many.
Enter the Problem Solver: We knew what to do with this type of merchandise.
It could be:
  • Sold by the piece
  • Sold by the case
  • Sold by the pallet
  • Sold by the truckload
  • Sold by the warehouse full!
Yes, it could be sold.
If you knew who the buyers were, where they were, what they would pay and what type of merchandise they wanted.
Free retail merchandise, used correctly, could really mean truckloads of profits Not exactly a science but a bit of an art form melded with business acumen that we learned from gurus of the industry coupled with some good old fashioned trial and error.
The boxes kept coming and we used what we received to make those sales often and most frequently by the truckload or multiple truckloads.
And there was always some left over, so our offices, closets, rooms and storage space were filled to the brim and bursting.
That opened up even more profit possibilities, but the main reason that we were bursting at the seams with new merchandise was because we were solving a problem for businesses who needed to move that merchandise.
And so more boxes came...
and kept coming.
When that happens you have become a problem solver.
Problem solvers can help a business remain profitable and in some cases even survive.
That's powerful.
And business owners appreciate that kind of positive power which can mean the difference between their business succeeding or failing That's Not All- Problem Solvers Can Positively Impact the Local Economy
  • A business you help may be able to stay open.
  • Their employees may still have a job as a result.
  • Neighboring businesses may be positively impacted when a local business survives.
If you take this analysis to another level the economy you help locally has a corollary impact on the regional and national economy as well.
You do a good deed when you help a business, and you can make a very healthy profit as well.
That's the best kind of business in our view.

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