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Steps to Get a Cheap Patent Filed


    • The United States Patent and Trademark Office states that before taking the time to fill out a patent application and paying the fee, make sure no one else has already patented the same idea or invention as you. The USPTO website has a list of patents currently filed.

    Choosing a Patent Type

    • You can choose to file a plant, design or utility patent. A plant patent is for asexually produced plants. A design patent, according to the USPTO, is for changes to the ornamental features of an object. Utility patents are the most popular type to file, as these are for new processes, ideas, composition of matter and inventions. Use the USPTO patent that corresponds with your invention type.

    Range of Patent Protection

    • According to the USPTO, you can have your patent filed only within the U.S. or you can get international protection. If you seek international protection, you have to file a patent with the Patent Cooperation Treaty. Otherwise, you will need to file a provisional or nonprovisional patent application in the U.S.

    Provisional vs. Non-Provisional Applications

    • A provisional application for a patent does not fully protect your idea or invention. It lets the USPTO know that you have an idea or invention you want to submit, along with some basic details. After submitting a provisional application, you have 12 months to submit the full, nonprovisional patent application. During the 12 months after you submit a provisional application, another person cannot patent the same idea or invention as you.

      Nonprovisional applications are those that can help grant you the full protection of a patent. On this type of application, fill out as much detailed information about your idea or invention as you can. The USPTO states that you can include applicable specifications, photographs, drawings, diagrams and assembly instructions. You can also let the USPTO office know about how you came up with your idea. Along with a nonprovisional application, submit an oath that states that you were the first person ever, to your knowledge, to have the particular idea or invention you are submitting. After you submit a nonprovisional application, a USPTO agent will examine and process the materials provided.

    Filing Your Patent

    • When you are ready, you can file your patent and submit the required fee via the USPTO website. Alternatively, you can mail your application and fee payment to USPTO Commissioner for Patents at: PO Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.

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