What Is Wrong With Religion?
What is a Muslim? Syllables: Mus-lim Parts of speech: adjective, noun Part of Speech: adjective.
Definition 1.
Of or pertaining to the religion, legal codes, peoples, or culture of Islam.
Part of Speech: noun.
Definition 1.
One who is an adherent of Islam.
What is a Christian? One who professes the belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
I use these two definitions both of these religions are currently the most controversial.
I find that both terms are similar, with the only difference being that one is a supporter of Islam; the other is teachings of Jesus Christ.
I think our society as a whole should be ashamed of the self-made meanings which have been performed with both these religions.
Radical Christians want to sit and point fingers at the Muslims and the Radical Muslims direct their fingers at the rest of the world which is different from them.
Both religions need to realize that religion cannot be shoved down the throats of our society.
More and more people are choosing to worship "God" on their own terms as compared to a religion.
Who are Christians to evaluate any other religion when they have murdered and maimed throughout our history? The "Crusades" comes to mind.
The Christians were so humane during the "Crusades" they utilized children with the half-brained notion that "God" would fight through the children.
According to history, the poor children were set up for failure because most of them died on the way to the "Holy City" and children who did not die were taken into slavery by the Muslims, this episode just does not say much about the history of Christians.
Who are the Muslims to evaluate any other religion? They have vastly become misguided on the teachings of Muhammad.
Most people that state that Muslims are terrorists and Islam is violent do not truly understand Islam.
Most of the chaos performed is performed by Radical Muslims who follow "Tribal Laws".
Tribal laws call for rape victims to be stoned, women to be forced into marriages when they are as young as nine years old; this is not the teaching of Islam.
These laws are the barbaric tactics utilized by men to keep women oppressed in Muslims countries.
Christianity was no better within its history.
The "Salem Witch Trials" is an excellent example.
This was performed by Christian men who were going town to town wiping out the female populations with the sole excuse, "They are witches".
One of the various tactics utilized to make decisions in determining if a woman was a witch, was throwing her in deep water, if she drowned, she was not a witch, if she floated, she was a witch.
This tactic was the grounds utilized in burning women at a stake.
Muslim women are afforded rights according to Islam.
Unfortunately, women are so suppressed in the majority of the Muslim countries therefore, being denied education and are ignorant, they cannot even read the Quran comprehend their religious rights.
I think that radical Christians do the same thing.
Christians are just as brutal in the treatment of women.
They begin their teachings on the younger people and drill into their minds that Homosexuals are evil, that sex before marriage is immoral.
I sat once and listened to a preacher in a Southern Baptist church preach about how he would love to kill all homosexuals, I remember grabbing my children and leaving the church.
This proved disappointing to me; I have not entered into a Christian church since this incident or any other church for that matter.
One would think this to be an isolated incident.
It is not, this ludicracy is happening across our country.
If you think the Muslim religion is radical as a whole, then try looking at our own religions and studying the past and more than likely, you will find that your own religion is no better.
I would like to recommend this to all the radical Christians as well as radical Muslims, why not join forces and call all your murdering and pillaging "THE JIHAD WITCH TRIALS"! I refuse to accept all Muslims are evil.
I refuse to accept all Christians are immoral.
I am no longer religious.
I believe in God, and I think God is in heaven staring down upon the ignorant actions of individuals and thinking "YOU STUPID PEOPLE!"
Definition 1.
Of or pertaining to the religion, legal codes, peoples, or culture of Islam.
Part of Speech: noun.
Definition 1.
One who is an adherent of Islam.
What is a Christian? One who professes the belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
I use these two definitions both of these religions are currently the most controversial.
I find that both terms are similar, with the only difference being that one is a supporter of Islam; the other is teachings of Jesus Christ.
I think our society as a whole should be ashamed of the self-made meanings which have been performed with both these religions.
Radical Christians want to sit and point fingers at the Muslims and the Radical Muslims direct their fingers at the rest of the world which is different from them.
Both religions need to realize that religion cannot be shoved down the throats of our society.
More and more people are choosing to worship "God" on their own terms as compared to a religion.
Who are Christians to evaluate any other religion when they have murdered and maimed throughout our history? The "Crusades" comes to mind.
The Christians were so humane during the "Crusades" they utilized children with the half-brained notion that "God" would fight through the children.
According to history, the poor children were set up for failure because most of them died on the way to the "Holy City" and children who did not die were taken into slavery by the Muslims, this episode just does not say much about the history of Christians.
Who are the Muslims to evaluate any other religion? They have vastly become misguided on the teachings of Muhammad.
Most people that state that Muslims are terrorists and Islam is violent do not truly understand Islam.
Most of the chaos performed is performed by Radical Muslims who follow "Tribal Laws".
Tribal laws call for rape victims to be stoned, women to be forced into marriages when they are as young as nine years old; this is not the teaching of Islam.
These laws are the barbaric tactics utilized by men to keep women oppressed in Muslims countries.
Christianity was no better within its history.
The "Salem Witch Trials" is an excellent example.
This was performed by Christian men who were going town to town wiping out the female populations with the sole excuse, "They are witches".
One of the various tactics utilized to make decisions in determining if a woman was a witch, was throwing her in deep water, if she drowned, she was not a witch, if she floated, she was a witch.
This tactic was the grounds utilized in burning women at a stake.
Muslim women are afforded rights according to Islam.
Unfortunately, women are so suppressed in the majority of the Muslim countries therefore, being denied education and are ignorant, they cannot even read the Quran comprehend their religious rights.
I think that radical Christians do the same thing.
Christians are just as brutal in the treatment of women.
They begin their teachings on the younger people and drill into their minds that Homosexuals are evil, that sex before marriage is immoral.
I sat once and listened to a preacher in a Southern Baptist church preach about how he would love to kill all homosexuals, I remember grabbing my children and leaving the church.
This proved disappointing to me; I have not entered into a Christian church since this incident or any other church for that matter.
One would think this to be an isolated incident.
It is not, this ludicracy is happening across our country.
If you think the Muslim religion is radical as a whole, then try looking at our own religions and studying the past and more than likely, you will find that your own religion is no better.
I would like to recommend this to all the radical Christians as well as radical Muslims, why not join forces and call all your murdering and pillaging "THE JIHAD WITCH TRIALS"! I refuse to accept all Muslims are evil.
I refuse to accept all Christians are immoral.
I am no longer religious.
I believe in God, and I think God is in heaven staring down upon the ignorant actions of individuals and thinking "YOU STUPID PEOPLE!"